Institute of Chemistry

Welcome to the Institute of Chemistry

The central research foci of the Institute of Chemistry, which currently five research groups, are in the highly topical areas of chemistry of mesoscopic systems, chemical hybrid materials, computational chemistry of nanomaterials and organometallic chemistry. In addition, the research area Didactics of Chemistry is represented at the Institute.

The Institute of Chemistry offers a consecutive Bachelor/Master program for all natural sciences. Chemistry is characterized by intensive supervision and a variety of support measures to meet different levels of prior knowledge. A wide range of elective options from the natural sciences offers individual emphasis. In the master's program of other natural sciences, there are opportunities for specialization. In the master's degree in physics or biology, our students spend a year working on current research in the subject areas.

In addition to the subject disciplines, the Institute of Chemistry also offers teacher education in chemistry for the school types Grammar, Secondary and Vocational. The teaching degree programs are characterized by integrated modules between subject-specific science and subject-specific didactics, which allow for an intensive combination of these two main areas of study from the first semester onwards. Thus, Kassel focuses on a highly topical and innovative teacher training.

In the Institute of Chemistry, chemically oriented research and working groups from the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences have joined forces. The working groups Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems, Chemical Hybrid Materials, Physical Chemistry of Nanomaterials and Organometallic Chemistry are also members of the Scientific Center CINSaT.

Research groups

Chemistry of Mesoscopic Systems

Physical Chemistry of Nanomaterials

Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Che­mis­try of Na­no­ma­te­ri­als