Study and teaching
Study and teaching
Here you will find information about studying at the Institute of Chemistry, the courses offered and information for students of all disciplines.
Courses of study
The Institute of Chemistry offers various courses of study:
- Chemistry for sustainability (Bachelor of Science)
- Chemistry and mathematics for sustainability (Bachelor of Science)
- Taeching Chemistry at Secondary Schools (L2)
- Teaching Chemistry at Grammar Schools (L3)
- Teaching Chemistry at Vocational Schools (L4)
- Nanostructure Science (Bachelor of Science)
- Nanoscience (Master of Science)
For first-year chemistry students in the bachelor's and teacher training programs, we strongly recommend taking the preliminary courses in mathematics and chemistry, which prepares students for the mathematical and chemical requirements in the first semesters.
Chemistry courses are also used by other science programs.
Student Advisory Service
Bitte Please use the online application procedure of the University of Kassel for your admission to the Master's program. You will find all the necessary forms there and the individual steps for master's admission are described in detail.