Open Positions

Open position in the group "Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Laser Control"

As of now, we offer bachelor and master theses in the following topics:

* Chirality
* Material Processing
* Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

Furthermore, we frequently offer interesting PhD positions  in a friendly team of young scientists with state-of-the-art labs.

Visit us and you will get more information without any obligation. We take our time for you and advise you personally.

If you are not yet a member of the University of Kassel, you can alternatively send us your application including CV and certificates as pdf-document addressed to For any further question you can contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Baumert via e-mail or call him under +49-561-804 4452.

Petra Kasper

Sekretariat - Experimentalphysik III

Fachbereich 10
Institut für Physik
Experimentalphysik III
Heinr.-Plett-Straße 40
34132 Kassel
Gebäude: AVZ I
Raum 1129

Telefon: +49 561 804-4660
Telefax: +49 561 804-4453