Ultrafast electron diffraction

The femtosecond spectroscopy, i.e. the observation of light-induced dynamics, is widely based on indirect spectroscopy techniques that often allow for only a small window of observation on the dynamic, due to selection rules, Franck-Condon arguments or the occurrence of "dark State". In contrast, the ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) has the potential to follow the core movement or lattice vibration directly after optical excitation. In particular, the transient dynamics is directly accessible after and during stimulation with shaped laser pulses. We have constructed and characterized a unique compact UED setup. Currently, we conduct experiments on freestanding Graphene and generally on free-standing two-dimensional layer systems.

Vacuum system for the ultrafast electron diffraction
Optical image of a self-made 3 nm thick, free-standing, single crystalline graph sample and corresponding electron diffraction pattern