ULTRA Seminar

ULTRA is a research seminar in which lectures are given selectively mainly by external speakers. The topics are often related to the research environment of experimental physics III (femtosecond spectroscopy and ultrafast laser control), theory II (solid state and ultrafast physics) and theory IV (theoretical atomic and molecular physics).

In addition to the members of the participating research groups, other interested students and guests are always welcome.

Location: Seminar room 1135, Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40
Day/Time: Wednesday, 15:00 to 17:00

Current scheduling

Sommersemester 2019

DatumGastTitel des Vortrages

Dr. Maren Kasischke,

Lehrstuhl für Laseranwendungstechnik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

"Simultaneous nanopatterning and reduction of graphene oxide by femtosecond laser pulses"

Dr. Stefanie Kerbstadt,

Carl von Ossistzky Universität Oldenburg

"Coherent control of the symmetry properties of photoelectron wave packets using bichromatic polarization pulse shaping"
Beginn: 13:15 Uhr
Raum: HS 100

Prof. Dr. Artur Widera,

Fachbereich Physik, TU Kaiserslautern

"Atomic spin-based quantum probes for ultracold gases"

=> Moved to SFB-Seminar


Prof. Vladimiro Mujica,

School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ/USA




"Enhanced magnetoresistance in chiral molecular junctions"


M. Sc. Steffen Mittelmann,

Institut für Laser- und Plasmaphysik

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

"Laser-Solid Interaction with Weakly Relativistic Laser Pulses"