Group Seminar

Recent progress in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy - FB1018.4090

The seminar takes place on Tuesdays at 14:00 in room 0181.
Note that preliminary dates below might be updated in due time.
Everyone interested is welcome to join.

Date   Speaker   Title
16.04.2024   Daniel Haubenreißer   Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism - state of the art
23.04.2024   Daniel Haubenreißer   Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in Axially Chiral Triangulane Molecules
30.04.2024   Eric Kutscher   Electron Dynamics and Correlations in the High-order Harmonic Generation, Photoelectron Circular Dichroism, and Spin Polarization Phenomena
07.05.2024   Dmitrii Rezvan   Multichannel Single-Center method
28.05.2024   Nikolay Novikovskiy   The Role of the Coulomb Potential in Compton Scattering
18.06.2024   Isa Mehdioghlu   Nondipole Molecular Frame Angular Distributions
25.06.2024   Amirreza Shokrpour   Time Delay in Molecular Frame Photoionization
09.07.2024   Daniel Haubenreißer   Theoretical investigation of multiphoton PECD in axially chiral M[4]-Triangulane molecules (Master defense)
Date   Speaker   Title
19.10.2023   Philipp Demekhin   Ten Years in Kassel: A scientific progress report on the development of the Single-Center Method (Physikalisches Kolloquium in Hörsaal 100)
28.11.2023   Daniel Haubenreißer   Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in axially chiral Triangulane molecules - Part 1 (Spezialisation in scientific area)
5.12.2023   Daniel Haubenreißer   Multiphoton Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in axially chiral Triangulane molecules - Part 2 (Methodological Expertise and Project Planning)
12.12.2023   Dmitrii Rezvan   Nondipole effects in the photoionization of N2 molecule
19.12.2023   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Theoretical investigaion of Nondipole effects during ionization of Chiral molecules
09.01.2024   Fabian Westmeier   Introduction in Time-Delay during Molecular Photoionization
16.01.2024   Denis Dugin   Diffraction Imaging by high-repitition Free-Electron-Lasers
23.01.2024   Florian Fiedler   Effects of Electron Dynamics and Correlations in the High-order Harmonic Generation
30.01.2024   Anton Artemyev   Optimization of PECD in model chiral system
06.02.2024   Maxim Dolzhok   Nondipole Effects in Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions
Date   Speaker   Title
31.03.2023   Daniel Haubenreißer   Theoretische Untersuchung der Double-Core-Hole Generierung in diatomischen Molekülen (Probevortrag)
18.04.2023   Daniel Haubenreißer   Theoretical investigation of the Double-Core-Hole generation in N2
06.06.2023   Eric Kutscher   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism by short coherent broadband laser pulses (together with Theorieseminar)
13.06.2023   Dmitrii Rezvan   Investigation of Photoemission time delay in the molecular frame of N2 by circularly polarized light
27.06.2023   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Recent advances in calculations of PECD
04.07.2023   Anton Artemyev   Spin-polarization of photoelectrons in Iodomethylbutane
11.07.2023   Philipp Demekhin   Developments of the single-center method in AG Demekhin
Date   Speaker   Title
15.11.2022   Eric Kutscher   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in Fenchone by Short Coherent Broadband Laser Pulses
22.11.2022   Philipp Demekhin   Differential Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in Trifluoromethyloxirane
29.11.2022   Eric Kutscher   Searching for a quantitative relation between Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of fixed-in-space molecules and the asymmetry of the electronic potential
20.12.2022   Dmitrii Rezvan   Nondipole effects in the photoionization of CO molecule
10.01.2023   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of the Sec-Butyl-Trimethyl-Silyl-Ether and M[4]-Triangulane molecules
31.01.2023   Anton Artemyev   Spin polarization of photoelectrons in molecules with heavy atoms
Date   Speaker   Title
26.04.2022   Eric Kutscher   Searching for a quantitative relation between Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of fixed-in-space molecules and the asymmetry of the electronic potential
24.05.2022   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Dynamics of Photoelectron Circular Dichroism from fragments of chiral molecules
31.05.2022   Dmitrii Rezvan   Investigation of Photoemission time delay in the molecular frame of N2
07.06.2022   Lukas Martin   Theoretische Untersuchung der Photoionisationszeitverzögerung in diatomischen Molekülen (Probevortrag)
14.06.2022   Lukas Martin   Theoretical Study of the Photoemission Time Delay in Diatomic Molecules (Bacholorverteidigung)
14.06.2022   Dmitrii Rezvan   Theoretical study of the molecular-frame photoemission time delay for K-shell photoionization of N2 (together with Theorieseminar)
05.07.2022   Anton Artemyev   Spin-polarization of photoelectrons in molecules with heavy atoms
Date   Speaker   Title
23.11.2021   Eric Kutscher   Electron dynamics and correlations during high-order harmonic generation (together with Theorieseminar)
30.11.2021   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Multi-Channel Single-Center Method
14.12.2021   Dmitrii Rezvan   Double Core-Hole Generation in O2 and N2 molecules
18.01.2022   Philipp Demekhin   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism in the molecular frame of reference
01.02.2022   Anton Artemyev   Spin-polarization of photoelectrons
15.02.2022   Dmitrii Rezvan   Wigner Time-Delay in the photoionization of N2 molecule
Date   Speaker   Title
27.04.2021   Philipp Demekhin   Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions as sensitive access to electron structure and dynamics (together with Theorieseminar)
11.05.2021   Eric Kutscher   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of Fenchone induced by Broadband Pulses
08.06.2021   Dmitrii Rezvan   MFPADs and Wigner-Time-Delay during photoionization of oxygen in CO molecule
15.06.2021   Anton Artemyev   Calculation of High-Harmonic-Generation in Helium and Beryllium
29.06.2021   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Multichannel Single Center method and application to diatomic molecules
13.07.2021   Dmitrii Rezvan   Photoelectron emission time-delay during photoionisation in N2 molecule
Date   Speaker   Title
08.12.2020   Dmitrii Rezvan   Nonempirical calculation of photoionization cross sections of angular distributions of photoelectrons in argon-like molecules
19.01.2021   Eric Kutscher   Degree of molecular chirality
26.01.2021   Anton Artemyev   Problems of modern Quantumelectrodynamics
02.02.2021   Philipp Demekhin   Photoelectron emission time-delay in the molecular frame
09.02.2021   Dmitrii Rezvan   Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions: What I plan to do during my PhD
16.02.2021   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Investigation of PECD for inner shell ionization followed by fragmentation in Trifluormethyloxirane and Iodomethylbutane
Date   Speaker   Title
26.05.2020   Philipp Demekhin   Photoelectron diffraction imaging of molecular breakup and double core hole generation
09.06.2020   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Angular emission distribution of O(1s) photoelectrons of methanol
16.06.2020   Abir Mhamdi   Molecular-frame angular distributions of electrons emitted by photoionization and interatomic Coulombic decay
23.06.2020   Anton Artemyev   Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics
30.06.2020   Abir Mhamdi   Body-fixed frame angular emission distributions in Photoionization and ICD processes
07.07.2020   Eric Kutscher   Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of fenchone induced by broadband pulses: influence of HOMO-n photoelectrons and frequency ordered pulses
Date   Speaker   Title
29.10.2019   Nikolay Novikovskiy   Rearrangement of electron shells in Ne and Ne-like molecules
05.11.2019   Eric Kutscher   Electron dynamics in atoms and molecules driven by laser pulses: What I plan to do during my PhD
26.11.2019   Abir Mhamdi   Molecular-frame angular distributions of ICD electrons in helium dimers
10.12.2019   Anton Artemyev   Post-collision interaction in sequential double ionization of helium
14.01.2020   Philipp Demekhin   Recoil-induced asymmetry of nondipole molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions in the hard X-ray regime
04.02.2020   Nick Vogeley   Semi-classical aspects of the photoelectron circular dichroism