Research Activity

An­gu­lar-re­sol­ved co­in­ci­dence spec­tro­sco­py of mole­cu­les and clus­ters

Time-resolved spectroscopy of molecules and clusters

Strong fields spectroscopy of atoms and molecules



Double-ionization of He by the sequence of two delayed high-frequency pulses: time evolutions of the one-dimensional radial density and photoelectron energy spectrum [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Time evolution of the two-dimensional radial density [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Fast photoelectrons emitted in a particular direction penetrate through the density of slow photoelectrons [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Fast photoelectrons emitted in a particular direction penetrate through the density of slow photoelectrons [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Density of fast photoelectrons scatters on slow photoelectrons emitted in a particular direction [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Density of fast photoelectrons scatters on slow photoelectrons emitted in a particular direction [PRL 122, 183201 (2019)].

Angular distributions for the O 1s-ionization of R(+) methyloxirane computed for left and right  circularly polarized light [JPCL 8, 2780 (2017)]. The molecules are oriented as depicted in the insets.

Time evolution of high-frequency pulse.

Time evolution of radial wave packet.

Time evolution of photoelectron energy spectrum.