Learning Center Mathematics

The learning centre is offered in a hybrid format in WiSe 21/22. All information on this can be found in the associated Moodle course (password not required):


Problems with the mathematics lectures? Mental block with the exercises?

Off to the Mathematics Learning Center!

Since the winter semester 2015/16, experienced tutors have been providing support for students in the Bachelor of Mathematics and Mathematics Teacher Training at the Gymnasium (L3) or for Vocational Schools (Berufsbildende Schulen) (L4) in the Mathematics Learning Centre at the AVZ, especially in the beginner's lectures:

• Fundamentals of Mathematics
• Elementary Linear Algebra
• Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
• Fundamentals of Analysis I&II

(Questions can also be asked about higher-level lectures, but then it cannot always be guaranteed that the tutors are familiar with the subject.)

The tutors answer questions about the topics covered in the lectures and help with difficulties with the exercise sheets (but you still have to solve the problems yourself!). If you have questions about the lecture, it is useful to bring along a transcript or the lecture notes.

They cannot provide support with administrative problems, e.g. with the selection of exercise groups or exam registration; this is the exclusive responsibility of the lecturers and exercise instructors of the lectures or the examination office.