
Dixit, N. M., & Guicking, D. (2024). Exploring the evolutionary dynamics of myrmecophytism: Perspectives from the Southeast Asian Macaranga ant-plant symbiosis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 194, 108028.

Mölder, A., Guicking, D., & Schmidt, M. (2024). Das Bunte Springkraut (Impatiens edgeworthii Hook. f.), eine neue Pflanzenart in Niedersachsen. Artenfocus Niedersachsen, 16.

Dixit, N. M., Zirpel, M., Slik, J. F., Jamsari, J., Weising, K., & Guicking, D. (2023). Biogeography of the Sunda Shelf revisited: Insights from Macaranga section Pruinosae (Euphorbiaceae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1049243.

Guicking D, Keßler S, Störmer E, Bersch M, Duchoslav M (2023): Anthropogenic and natural disturbances increase local genetic diversity in an early spring geophyte (Ficaria verna Huds). Plant Species Biology,1–15.

Beck, A., Wulff, C., Lange, V., & Guicking, D.  (2020): „Stadtbäume im Klimawandel“ – ein Unterrichtsthema zur Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen 19: 101-105.

Guicking D, Schmidt M (2019) Das Bunte Springkraut breitet sich im Reinhardswald aus. Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen 18: 80-81

Topp L, Guicking D, Schmidt M, (2018) Vegetations- und Florenentwicklung im Naturschutzgebiet Urwald Sababurg über hundert Jahre (1914-2016). Jahrbuch Naturschutz in Hessen 17: 149-155

Guicking D, Finke L, Wittich M, Pfeiffer I, Veith M, Geske C, Braukmann U, Weising K, Neubeck C (2017) Conservation genetics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina v. variegata) in Northern Hesse, Germany. Salamandra 53: 201-211

Wagner N, Neubeck C, Guicking D, Finke L, Wittich M, Weising K, Geske C, Veith M (2017) No evidence for effects of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus on populations of yellow-bellied toads. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 123: 55-65

Fiala B, Slik F, Weising K, Maschwitz U, Mohamed M, Jamsari, Guicking D (2016): Phylogeography of three closely related myrmecophytic pioneer tree species in SE Asia: implications for species delimitation, Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 16: 39-52

Guicking D, Fiala B, Kröger-Kilian T, Mohamed M, Weising K (2013): High gene flow in two thrips-pollinated Southeast Asian pioneer trees: genetic diversity and population structure of Macaranga hypoleuca and Macaranga beccariana (Euphorbiaceae), Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 173: 606-621

Guicking D, Fiala B, Weising K (2013): Molekularystematische Untersuchungen an südostasiatischen Ameisenbäumen, Biologie in unserer Zeit 6/2013, pp. 370-377.

Guicking D, Blattner FR, Fiala B, Slik F, Mohamed M, Weising K (2011): Comparative chloroplast DNA phylogeography of two tropical pioneer trees, Macaranga gigantea and Macaranga pearsonii (Euphorbiaceae), Tree Genet. Genomes 7: 573-585.

Weising K, Guicking D, Fey-Wagner C, Kröger-Kilian T, Wöhrmann T, Dorstewitz W, Bänfer G, Moog U, Vogel M, Baier C, Blattner FR, Feldhaar H, Fiala B (2010): Mechanisms of speciation in Southeast Asian ant plants of the genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae), Evolution in Action - Adaptive Radiation and the Origin of Biodiversity (eds, Glaubrecht M, Schneider H), Springer, Berlin, pp. 169-191.