Prof. em. H. Freitag


Freitag, H. (2019) Comments on the Egyptian species  of Ephedra L. (Ephedraceae). Catrina 19: 15-18


Mosyakin SL, Esser HJ, Freitag H ‒ The holotype of Chenopodium baryosmon (Chenopodiaceae) rediscovered: just one of many type specimens from the private herbarium of Schultes, now in the Turczaninow herbarium at KW. Phytotaxa 334(1): 49-54. Doi:10.11646/ phytotaxa.334.1.7.


Falatoury AN, Iamonico D, Freitag H – Nomenclature of Caroxylon imbricatum (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae), with a new combination at variety rank. Phytotaxa 331(1): 101-108 Doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.331.1.8.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H – Amaranthaceae. In Marhold K & Kučera J (ed.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 25, Taxon 66 (5), pp.1249-1250 + E21-23.  Doi: 10.12705/665.29.

Freitag H, Lomonosova M – Restoration of Suaeda sect. Helicilla (Chenopodiaceae) and typification of related taxa. Phytotaxa 323: 51-60. Doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.323.1.3.

Ángeles Alonso M, Crespo MB, Freitag H – Salicornia cuszcoensis (Amaranthaceae/ Chenopodia-ceae), a new species from Peru (South America). Phytotaxa 319: 254-262. Doi: 19.11646/phytotaxa.319.3.4.

Schüssler Ch, Freitag H, Kotoyeva N, Schmidt D, Edwards G, Voznesenskaya E, Kadereit G – Molecular phylogeny and forms of photosynthesis in tribe Salsoleae (Chenopodiaceae). J Exp Bot 68 2): 207-222. Doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw432.

Mosyakin SL, Freitag H, Rilke S – Kali versus Salsola: the instructive story of a questionable nomenclatural resurrection. Isr J Plant Sci 64, publ. online 27.3.2017. Doi: 10.1080/07929978.2016.1256135.


Freitag H, Großkurth A, Topp L – Das Bunte Springkraut (Impatiens edgeworthii Hook.f.) jetzt auch in Hessen. Biotanik u. Naturschutz in Hessen 29: 27-35.


Freitag H (1957): "Vegetationskundliche Beobachtungen an Gründlandgesellschaften im Nieder-Oderbruch". Ibid. 3: 125-139.

Freitag H (1957): "Stipa pennata L. und Anemone pulsatilla L. im Hohen Fläming". Ibid. 3: 115-116.

Freitag H (1957): "Floristische Beobachtungen in Südwest- und Südost-Brandenburg". Verh Bot Ver Prov Brandenburg (Berlin) 83-97: 60.

Freitag H, Müller-Stoll WR (1957): "Beiträge zur bestandsklimatischen Analyse von Wiesengesellschaften". Angew Meteorologie (Berlin) 3: 16-30


Freitag H (1958): "Die Gründlandgesellschaften des Oberspreewaldes und ihre Beziehungen zum Standort, insbesondere zum Wasserfaktor". Diss Päd Hochschule Potsdam

Freitag H, Körtge U (1958): "Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Zarth bei Treuenbrietzen". – Wiss Z Päd Hochschule Potsdam, Math-Nat Reihe 4: 29-53.

Freitag H, Markus Ch, Schwippl I (1958): "Die Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzengesellschaften im Magdebru-ger Urstsrontal südlich des Fläming". Ibid. 4: 65-92.


Freitag H (1962): "Einführung in die Biogeographie von Mitteleuropa". Fischer, Stuttgart; 214 p.

Freitag H, Krausch H-D (1962): "Vegetationskarte des Oberspreewaldes 1:40.000".– Leipzig/Jena.

Freitag H (1962): "Flora und Vegetation des Stechlin-Sees (vorl. Mitt.)". Mitt Flor-soz Arbeitsgem (Stolzenau/Weser) NF 9: 261-264.


Freitag H (1964): "Die Waldgesellschaften der Rouvière bei Montarnaud. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vegetation des Languedoc". In Kreeb KH (ed), Beiträge zur Phytologie (Festschrift Wal-ter) Stuttgart, p. 155-189.

Freitag H, Krausch H-D.(1964): "Vegetationskarte des Großen Stechlin-Sees". Limnologica (Berlin) 2.


Freitag H (1966): "Wiesenblumen und Ackerblumen". – Stuttgart. 256 p. (Translations: Dutch - Amsterdam 1968; French – Paris 1968; Danish –Copenhagen 1969).




Freitag H (1968): "Über den Fund von Enneapogon persicus Boiss in Spanien". Collect Bot (Barcelona) 7: 483-493.


Freitag H (1971): "Die natürliche Vegetation des südostspanischen Trockengebietes". Bot Jb (Stuttgart) 91: 147-308.

Freitag H (1971): "Zur Kenntnis afghanischer Plumbaginaceen". Ann Naturhist Mus Wien 75: 67-75.

Freitag H (1971): "Studies in the natural vegetation of Afghanistan". In Davis P (ed), Plant Life in South West Asia. Edinburgh, p. 89-106.

Freitag H (1971): "Die natürliche Vegetation Afghanistans. Beiträge zur Flora und Vegetation Afghanis-tans I". Vegetatio (Den Haag) 22: 285-344.

Freitag H, Wendelbo P (1071): "The genus Bellevalia in Afghanistan". Isr J Bot (Jerusalem) 19: 220-224.


2014Schüssler C, Freitag H & Kadereit G (2014) – Evolution of C4 photosynthesis and diversity of C4  and C3 leaf anatomy in Salsoleae s.s. (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae). 22nd Intern. “Symp. Biodiversity and Evolutionary Botany” of the DBG, March 24-27, Dresden 2014 (oral presentation).
2013Brandt R, Lomonosova M, Weising K, Freitag H.: Evolution of the Suaeda corniculata group (Chenopodiaceae) in Eurasia based on molecular phylogeny and caryology. 29th Con-gress Russian Botanical Society, 16-22 Sept. 2013 Togliatti (Russland) (oral present. by M. Lomonosova, extended abstract).

Brandt R, Lomonosova M, Weising K, Freitag H (2012) – Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Suaeda, subg. Brezia in the Americas. 21st Intern. “Symp. Biodiversity and Evolution-ary Botany” of the DBG, Sept. 16-19 2012, Mainz (oral present. T 7) 


(2012) Incongruities between nuclear and chloroplast phylogenies in the worldwide distributed genus Suaeda, subg. Brezia in the Americas. Ibid. (poster P 9).

2003Kadereit G, Schütze P, Weising K & Freitag H (2002) Molecular phylogeny of Chenopodiaceae and the multiple origin of C4 photosynthesis. – XI Congr Russ Bot Soc, 17-27 Aug. 2003 Novosi-birsk/Barnaul; see Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v aziatskoi Rossii (Mater XI sezda Russk Bot Obshch) 2, pp. 223-224.

Schütze P, Freitag H, Lomonosova M, Weising K (2002) - Species diversity and relationships in Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmelin subg. Brezia Freitag & Schütze - evidence from molecular studies – Ibid.; poster, see Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v aziatskoi Rossii. 1, pp. 300-301. – Also at 16th Int Symp Biodiversität Evolutionsbiol, 21-27 Sept 2003 Frankfurt.

Kadereit G, Gotzek D, Jacobs S, Freitag H (2002) Multiple origin of Australian Chenopodiaceae. – 16th Int Symp Biodiversität Evolutionsbiol 21-27 Sept 2003, Frankfurt.
2002Freitag H, Clausing G (2002) Salsola L., Chenopodiaceae - a polyphyletic genus in need of reclassifica-tion. – 6th Plant Life of SW Asia Symposium, 10-14 June 2002 Van (Turkey), oral present).

Kadereit G, Borsch Th, Weising, K, Freitag H (2002) Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. – Botany 2002, Congr Am Ass Pl. Tax. 2-4 Aug. 2002, Maddison. – Also at Botanikertagung 2002, 22-27 Sept. 2002 Freiburg; poster, see Abstr. Vol. p. 425).

Freitag H (2002) Chenopodiaceae in the Mediterranean - significance and evolutionary relationships with the Irano-Turanian region. – Botanikertagung 2002, 22-27 Sept. 2002; see Abstr. Vol. p. 365.

Schütze P, Freitag H, Weising K (2002) Biogeography, radiation and evolution of the tribe Suaedeae (Chenopodiaceae). – Ibid.; see Abstr. Vol. p. 435.
2001Freitag H, Stichler W (2001) Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss., Chenopodiaceae, another C4 plant without Kranz tissues. – 15th Intern Symp Biodiversität Evolutionsbiol Bochum; see Abstr. Vol p 18.

Clausing G, Freitag H, Borsch Th (2001) Phylogenetic relationships between Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and their position in the Caryophyllales. – Ibid; see Abstr Vol p 19.
1999Freitag H, Wucherer W, Butnik A (1999) Leaf anatomy in Old World species of genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) : taxonomic significance and evolutionary aspects. – 14th Symp Bio-divers Evolutionsbiol, Jena; see Abstr Vol (Manitz H, Hellwig FH, eds), p. 55.
1998Freitag H (1998) The genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in the N Caspian lowlands with special emphasis on critical species. – 5th Intern Symp Plant Life in South-west and Central Asia Tashkent 18-22 May; see Abstr Vol p 69.
1997Freitag H (1997) Kranz anatomy in genus Salsola, Chenopodiaceae - an apomorphic or plesiomorphic character. – 13th Symp Morph, Anat Syst Leuven 7-11 April 1997; see Abstr Vol (Scripta Bot Belg 15. Meise), p. 64.
1995Freitag H (1995) The Suaeda species of the Transcaspian Lowlands and their ecology. – IVth Plant Life of Southwest Asia symposium Izmir May 21-28, 1995, Abstr Vol p. 16-17.
Freitag H: Kranz anatomy in genus Salsola, Chenopodiaceae - an apomorphic or plesiomorphic character. - In Smets E, Ronse Decraene LP, Robbrecht E (eds): 13th Symposium Mor-phology, Anatomy and Systematics Leuven April 7-11,1997, Scripta Bot Belg 15. Meise, p. 64.
1994Wucherer W, Freitag H (1994) Primäre Sukzessionen auf dem trockengefallenen Boden des Aral-Sees. – Botanikertagung 94, Abstracts Nr S. 24.02 S. 137 Bayreuth
1989Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1989) The Ephedra fragilis-group in the Mediterranean. – Abstr. 6th OPTIMA Meeting Delphi 1989; p.94.


Freitag H (1972): "Interesting and new Lamiaceae and Capparidaceae from Afghanistan". Not Roy Bot Gard Edinburgh 31: 351-357.

Freitag H (1972): "Neue Arten aus Afghanistan: Amygdalus browiczii und Leontice silvatica". Bot Jb (Stuttgart) 91: 470-477.

Freitag H (1972): "Flora und Vegetation". In Kraus W, (ed), Afghanistan. Tübingen, p. 50-67.

Freitag H, Riedl H (1972): "Drei neue Boraginaceen-Spezies der Flora von Afghanistan". Oesterr Bot Z 120: 137-142.


Freitag H (1973): "Meher-Homji VM, Gupta RK: Bibliography on „Plant Ecology in Afghanistan". Exc Bot Sect B 12: 310-315.


Freitag H (1975): "The genus Piptatherum P.B., Gramineae, in Southwest Asia". Not Roy Bot Gard Edinburgh 33: 341-408.

Freitag H (1975): "Zum Konkurrenzverhalten von Quercus ilex und Quercus pubescens unter mediterran-humidem Klima". Bot Jb (Stuttgart) 96: 53-70.

Freitag H (1975): "Distribution pattern in the genera Piptatherum and Stipa and their significance for the geobotanical subdivision of SW-Asia". 12. Intern Bot Congr Leningrad, Abstr 1, 112.


Freitag H (1976): "Flora und Vegetation. In Usman Mali M, Schimmel A (eds), Pakistan". Tübingen/Basel; p. 66-77.


Freitag H (1977): "Amygdalus wendelboi (Rosaceae),a new species from Southern Iran". Iran J Bot 1: 117-120.


Freitag H (1978): "A supplement to W. van Zeist & S. Bottema, Palynological investigations in Western Iran". Palaeohistoria 19: 87-95.


Freitag H Freitag H, Podlech D (1980): "Zwei neue Astragalus-Arten aus dem Touran-Schutzgebiet im Iran". Mitt Bot Staatssammlungen München 16: 7-10.

Freitag H, Kuhle M (1980): "A plant list from the Kuh-i-Jupar (SE-Iran), with some ecological remarks". Willdenowia 10: 161-169.

Freitag H (1980): "Various chapters on vegetation". - In Biswas MR, Biswas AK (eds), Desertification, Environmental Sciences and Applications Vol. 12. – Pergamon Press Oxford; p. 188-190, 196-199, 243-245, vegetation map.


Freitag H (1982): "Mediterranean characters of the vegetation in the Hindukush Mts., and the relationship between sclerophyllous and laurophyllous forests". Ecol Mediterranea 8: 381-388.


Freitag H (1983): "Astragalus kavirensis, eine neue Art von Astragalus sect. Ammodendron (Leguminosae) aus dem Iran". Willdenowia 13: 133-136.


Freitag H (1985): "The genus Stipa (Gramineae) in Southwest and South Asia". Not Roy Bot Gard Edinburgh 42: 355-489.


Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M, Stiegemaier M (1986): "Die Fruchtflügel in den Gattungen Salsola L. und Halothamnus Spach (Chenopodiaceae)". Beitr Biol Pflanzen 61: 87-98.

Freitag H (1986): "Notes on distribution, climate and flora of the sand deserts in Iran and Afghanistan". Proceed Roy Soc Edinburgh 89B: 135-146.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1986): "On the identification and distribution of some Ephedra species in C. Iran and Afghanistan". Ibid. 310.

Freitag H (1986): "Flora und Vegetation". In Bucherer P, Jentsch C, Afghanistan. Ländermonographie. Liestal; p. 65-87.

Freitag H (1986): "Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung und Pflege der Ufer von Fliessgewässern". Naturschutz Nordhessen 9: 19-32.

Freitag H (1986): "Empfehlungen zur Pflege, Erhaltung und Anlage von Hecken". Naturschutz Nordhessen 9: 33-44.


Freitag H, Khani K (1987): "Salsola griffithii (Chenopodiaceae) comb. nova – a remarkable species from the sand deserts of SW. Asia". Pl Syst Evol 155: 49-54


Freitag H (1989): "Contributions to the chenopod flora of Egypt". – Flora 183: 149-173.

Freitag H (1989): "Piptatherum and Stipa(Gramineae) in the Arabian Peninsula and Tropical East Africa".- In Kit Tan (ed), The Davis and Hedge Festschrift. Edinburgh, p. 115-132.

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M (1989): "The Ephedra-species of P. Forsskal: Identity and typification". Taxon 38: 545-556.

Freitag H, Kothe-Heinrich G (1989): "5 Jahre Feldflorareservat „Hielöcher“ im östlichen Meißnervorland". Verh Ges Ökologie 19: 128


Brandt R, Lomonosova M, Weising K, Wagner N, Freitag H – Phylogeny and biogeography of Suaeda subg. Brezia (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae) in the Americas. Plant Syst Evol. 301: 2351-2375. Doi 1007/s00606-015-1233-y.

Iamonico D, Friis I., Jarvis CE, Freitag H – Nomenclatural notes on the genus Pteranthus (Caryophyl-laceae) with lectotypifications of the names Camphorosma pteranthus and Pteranthus trigynus, and comments on Forsskål’s seeds sent from Egypt. – Taxon 64: 816-821. Doi:10.12705/644.13.

Freitag H, Iamonico D – Lectotypification of the name Polycnemum majus (Amaranthaceae s.str.). Phytotaxa 202: 235-236. Doi: 10.11646/ phytotaxa.202.3.11

Freitag H, Maier-Stolte M – Ephedraceae. –  Pp. 72 in P. Cuccuini et al.,The Libyan collections in FI and studies on the Libyan Flora by R. Pampanini, Part. 1. Bocconea 27(2). Doi: 10.7320/Bocc27.2001.


Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1992): "A new species and a new combination in the genus Ephedra from Arabia". Edinb. J.. Bot. 49: 89-93.

Freitag, H., Müller-Stoll, W.R. & Krausch, H.-D. (1992): "Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Spreewaldes (1-4)". Gleditschia 20: 235-326.


Müller -Stoll, W.R., Freitag, H. & Krausch, H.-D. (1993): "Der Wasserhaushalt des Oberspreewaldes und die potentielle natürliche Vegetation". Gleditschia 21: 77-97.

Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1993): "Ephedra". In Tutin & al. (eds.) - Flora Europaea, ed. 2, Vol. 1: 49, Cambridge Univ. Press.


Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1994): "Ephedraceae". · In Browicz, K. - Chorology of trees and shrubs in Southwest Asia and adjacent regions, Vol. 10: 5-16, 39-52. Poznan.

Freitag, H. & Paul, A. (1994): "Quellen und Quellvegetation im Landkreis Kassel". Natursch. Nordhessen 14: 11-19.

Wucherer, W. & Freitag, H. (1994): "Primäre Sukzessionen auf dem trockengefallenen Boden des Aral-Sees". Botanikertagung 94, Abstracts Nr. S. 24.02 S. 137


Freitag, H. (1995): "Touran Protected Area, Biosphere Reserve". In Heywood, V.H. - Centres of plant diversity, Vol. 1: 320-323. Oxford Univ. Press.


Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1996): "Ephedraceae". · In Miller, A.G. (ed.) - Flora of Arabia, Vol. 1: 76-79. Edinburgh Univ. Press.

Freitag, H., Walter, J. & Wucherer, W. (1996): "Die Gatung Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in Österreich, mit einem Ausblick auf die pannonischen Nachbarländer". - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B Suppl.: 343-367.


  • Brandt, R., Lomonosova, M., Freitag, H., Kucev, M., Weising, K. - Evolution of the Suaeda corniculata group (Chenopodiaceae) in Eurasia based on molecular phylogeny and caryology. Pp. 263-264 in Sovremennaya Botanika v Rossii. Trudy 13. S’ezda Russk. Bot. Obsh. (Togliatti 16-22 sept.2013). Kassandra Togliatti.
  • Freitag, H., Brandt, R., Chatrenoor T., Akhani, H. (2013) Suaeda iransharii, a new species of Suaeda subgenus Brezia (Chenopodiaceae) from the Persian Gulf coasts. Rostaniha 14: 68-80.
  • Freitag, H (2013) Ephedraceae.- Pp. 114-115 in Freitag, H., Breckle, S.W., Hedge, I.C. & Rafiqpoor, M.D., Checklist Flora of Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).
  • Freitag, H (2013) Chenopodiaceae.- Pp. 261-274 in Freitag, H., Breckle, S.W., Hedge, I.C. & Rafiqpoor, M.D., Checklist Flora of Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).
  • Dickoré, W.B., Schloeder, C., Jacobs, M., Spribille, T, Freitag, H. (2013) Ochotonophila flava (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Central Afghanistan. Edinb. J. Bot. 70(3): 405-412.


  • Freitag, H. (2010) Chenopodiaceae. In: Field Guide Afghanistan, eds. Breckle, S.-W., Dittmann, A. & Rafiqpoor, M.D., Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis), pp. 374-413.
  • Freitag, H. (2010): Ephedraceae. In: Field Guide Afghanistan, eds. Breckle, S.-W., Dittmann, A. & Rafiqpoor, M.D., Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis), pp. 196-201.
  • Freitag, H., Hedge, I.C., Rafiqpoor, M.D. & Breckle, S.-W. (2010): Flora and Vegetation Geography of Afghanistan. In: Field Guide Afghanistan,eds. Breckle, S.-W., Dittmann, A. & Rafiqpoor, M.D., Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis), pp. 79-115.


  • Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H.: Chenopodiaceae, in Marhol, K. & Breitwieser, I. (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 8. ? Taxon 58: 1284.
  • Freitag, H., Atamov, V., Cetin, E., Aslan, M. (2009) The genus Halothamnus (Jaub. & Spach (Chenopodiaceae) in Turkey. Turk. J. Bot. 33: 325-334.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M.: Ephedraceae. - In Schnittler, M., Zemmrich, A. & Starke, S., Virtual Flora of Mongolia (equivalent to c. 10 pages). - available from the internet by


  • Lomonosova, M.N., Freitag, H. (2008) The genus Suaeda in Asian Russia. Rastitel´n. Mira Aziatsk. Ross. 2: 12-19.
  • Akopian, J., Gabrielyan, I., Freitag, H. (2008): Fossil fruits of Salsola L. s.l. and Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae) from Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments in Armenia. Feddes Repertorium 119: 225-236.
  • Lomonosova, M., Brandt, R., Freitag, H. (2008): Suaeda corniculata (Chenopodiaceae) and related new taxa from Eurasia. Willdenowia 38: 81-109.


  • Voznesenskaya, E.V., Chuong, S.D.X., Koteyeva, N.K., Franceschi, V.R., Freitag, H., Edwards, G.E. (2007): Structural, biochemical, and physiological characterization of C4 photosynthesis in species having two vastly different types of Kranz anatomy in genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae). Plant Biol. 8: 745-757.
  • Weising, K., Freitag, H. (2007): Phylogeography of halophytes from European coastal and inland habitats. Zool. Anzeiger 246: 279-292.
  • Kadereit, G., Ball, P., Beer, S., Mucina, L., Sokoloff, D., Teege, P., Yaprak, A.E., Freitag, H. (2007): A taxonomic nightmare comes true: phylogeny and biogeography of glassworts (Salicornia L., Chenopodiaceae). Taxon 56: 1143-1170.


  • Freitag, H. & Lomonosova, M. (2006): Typification and identity of Suaeda crassifolia, S. prostrata and S. salsa: three often confused species of Suaeda sect. Brezia (Suaedoideae, Chenopodiaceae). - Willdenowia 36: 21-36.
  • Kadereit, G., Mucina, L.& Freitag, H. (2006): Phylogeny of Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae): diversification, biogeography, and evolutionary trends in leaf and flower morphology. Taxon 55: 617-642.


  • Kadereit, G., Gotzek, D., Jacobs, S. & Freitag, H. (2005): Origin and age of australian Chenopodiaceae.Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 5: 59-80.
  • Freitag, H. (2005): New morphological characters help in classification of Chenopodiaceae. - 17th Intern. Bot. Congr.17-23 June 2005 Vienna; invited lecture, see Abstr. Vol. p. 233.
  • Schütze, P., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2005): Phylogeny and C4 evolution in the genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) and related taxa. - Ibid.; see Abstr. Vol. p. 233.


  • Schütze, P., Freitag, H. & Weising, K. (2003): An integrated molecular and morphological study of the subfamily Suaedoideae Ulbr. (Chenopodiaceae). Plant Syst. Evol., 239: 257-286.
  • Kadereit, G., Borsch, T., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2003): Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. Int. J. Plant Sci., 164: 959-986.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (2003) : The genus Ephedra in NE Tropical Africa. - Kew Bull. 58: 415-426.
  • Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H.: A new species of Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) from the Altai. - Willdenowia 33: 139-147.
  • Kadereit, G., Schütze, P., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2003): Molecular phylogeny of Chenopodiaceae and the multiple origin of C4 photosynthesis. - XI Congr. Russ. Bot. Soc., 17-27 Aug. 2003 Novosibirsk/Barnaul; invited lecture, see Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v aziatskoi Rossii (Mater. XI sezda Russk. Bot. Obshch.) 2, pp. 223-224.
  • P. Schütze, H. Freitag, M. Lomonosova & K. Weising (2003): Species diversity and relationships in Suaeda Forssk. ex J.F. Gmelin subg. Brezia Freitag & Schütze - evidence from molecular studies - Ibid.; poster, see Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v aziatskoi Rossii. 1, pp. 300 - 301. - Also at 16th Int. Symp. Biodiversität Evolutionsbiol., 21-27 Sept. 2003 Frankfurt; poster.
  • Kadereit, G., Gotzek, D., Jacobs, S. & Freitag, H. (2003): Multiple origin of Australian Chenopodiaceae. - 16th Int. Symp. Biodiversität Evolutionsbiol. 21-27 Sept. 2003 Frankfurt; lecture.


  • Voznesenskaya, E.V., Franceschi, V.R., Kiirats, O., Artyusheva, E.G., Freitag, H. & Edwards, G. (2002): Proof of C4 photosynthesis without Kranz anatomy in Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae). - The Plant J. 31: 649-662.
  • Freitag, H. & Stichler, W. (2002): Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss., Chenopodiaceae, another C4 plant without Kranz tissues. - Plant Biol. 4: 121-131.
  • Freitag, H. & Clausing, G. (2002): Salsola L., Chenopodiaceae - a polyphyletic genus in need of reclassification. - 6th Plant Life of SW Asia Symposium, 10-14. June 2002, Van (Turkey); invited lecture; see Abstr. Vol. p. 15.
  • Kadereit, G., Borsch, Th., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2002): Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. - Botany 2002, Congr. Am. Ass. Pl. Tax. 2.-4.Aug. 2002, Maddison. - Poster. desgl. Botanikertagung 2002, 22.-27.9.2002 Freiburg. Poster, see Abstr. Vol. p. 425).
  • Freitag, H. (2002): Chenopodiaceae in the Mediterranean - significance and evolutionary relationships with the Irano-Turanian region. - Invited lecture; ibid., see. p. 15.
  • Schütze, P., Freitag, H. & Weising, K. (2002): Biogeography, radiation and evolution of the tribe Suaedeae (Chenopodiaceae). - Ibid. Lecture; see p. 435.


  • Freitag, H. (2001): Suaeda. - In Ali, S.I. & Qaiser, M. (eds.): Flora of Pakistan 204, 104-126.- Karachi University Press.
  • Freitag, H. (2001) : Salsola. - In Ali, S.I. & Qaiser, M. (eds.): Flora of Pakistan 204, 127-178.- Karachi University Press.
  • Freitag, H., Golub, V. B. & Yuritsina, N.A. (2001): Halophytic plant communities in the northern Caspian lowlands: 1, annual halophytic communities. - Phytocoenologia 31: 63-108.
  • Caveney, St., Charlet, D.A., Freitag, H., Maier-Stolte, M. & Starrat, A.N. (2001):: New observations on the secondary chemistry of World Ephedra (Ephedraceae). - Am. J. Bot. 88: 1199-1208.
  • Voznesenskaya, E.V. Franceschi, V. Kiirats, O., Freitag, H. & Edwards, G.E. (2001): Kranz-anatomy is not essential for terrestrial C4 plant photosynthesis. - Nature 414: 543-546.
  • Freitag, H. Clausing, G & Borsch, Th. (2001): Phylogenetic relationships between Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and their position in the Caryophyllales. - Abstr. 15. Symp. Biodiversität u. Evolutionsbiol., p. 19.
  • Clausing, G., Freitag, H. & Borsch, Th. (2001): Phylogenetic relationships between Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and their position in the Caryophyllales. - Ibid.; lecture, see Abstr. Vol. p. 19.

1992 - 2000

  • Freitag, H. & Stichler, W. (2000): A remarkable new leaf type with unusual photosynthetic tissue in a Central Asiatic genus of Chenopodiaceae. - Plant Biol. 2: 154-160. 2000.
  • Freitag, H. & Duman, H. (2000): An unexpected new taxon of Salsola from Turkey. - Edinburgh J. Bot. 57: 339-348.
  • Freitag, H. (2000): Chenopodiaceae. - In Güner, A. & al. (eds.): Flora of Turkey, Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2), 57-65.- Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Freitag, H. (2000): Zygophyllaceae. - In Güner, A. & al. (eds.): Flora of Turkey, Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2), 75-76. - Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Freitag, H., Vural, M. & Adigüzel, N. (1999): A remarkable new Salsola and some new records of Chenopodiaceae from Central Anatolia, Turkey. - Willdenowia 29: 123-139. 1999.
  • Vural, M., Adigüzel, N. Freitag, H. & Freitag, A. (1999): A little haven for chenopods: Nallihan Bird Sanctuary. - Karaca Arboretum Mag. 5: 49-58. 1999.
  • Freitag, H. (1999): Die Evolution der Landpflanzen. - In Fasterding, M (ed.): Auf den Spuren der Evolution, S. 101-123. - Gelsenkirchen 1999.
  • Freitag, H., Wucherer, W. & Butnik, A. (1999): Leaf anatomy in Old World species of Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae): taxonomic significance and evolutionary aspects. - In Manitz, H. & Hellwig, F.H.: Abstr. 14.. Symp. Biodiversität und Evolutionsbiol. Jena 1999, p. 59.
  • Freitag, H. (1998): The genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in the N Caspian lowlands with special emphasis on critical species. - In Ashurmetov, O.A. & Khassanov, F. (eds.): Plant Life in South-West and Central Asia, 5th Intern. Symp. Tashkent May 18-22, p. 69.
  • Freitag, H. (1997): Salsola. · In Rechinger, K.H. (ed.) - Flora Iranica. Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der umgebenden Gebirge, No. 173: 154-255.
  • Freitag, H. & Özhatay, E. (1997): A new subspecies of Salsola canescens (Chenopodiaceae) from SW Anatolia, Turkey. - Willdenowia 27: 185-190.
  • Freitag, H. (1997): Kranz anatomy in genus Salsola, Chenopodiaceae - an apomorphic or plesiomorphic character. - In Smets, E., Ronse Decraene, L.P. & Robbrecht, E. (eds.): 13th Symp. Morphology, Anatomy and Systematics Leuven April 7-11,1997, Scripta Bot. Belg. 15. Meise, p. 64.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1996): Ephedraceae. · In Miller, A.G. (ed.) - Flora of Arabia, Vol. 1: 76-79. Edinburgh Univ. Press.
  • Freitag, H., Walter, J. & Wucherer, W. (1996): Die Gatung Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in Österreich, mit einem Ausblick auf die pannonischen Nachbarländer. - Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 B Suppl.: 343-367.
  • Freitag, H. (1995): Touran Protected Area, Biosphere Reserve. · In Heywood, V.H. - Centres of plant diversity, Vol. 1: 320-323. Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Freitag, H. (1995): The Suaeda species of the Transcaspian Lowlands and their ecology. - IVth Plant Life of Southwest Asia symposium Izmir May 21-28, 1995, Abstr. Vol. p. 16-17.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1994): Ephedraceae. · In Browicz, K. - Chorology of trees and shrubs in Southwest Asia and adjacent regions, Vol. 10: 5-16, 39-52. Poznan.
  • Freitag, H. & Paul, A. (1994): Quellen und Quellvegetation im Landkreis Kassel. - Natursch. Nordhessen 14: 11-19.
  • Wucherer, W. & Freitag, H. (1994): Primäre Sukzessionen auf dem trockengefallenen Boden des Aral-Sees. - Botanikertagung 94, Abstracts Nr. S. 24.02 S. 137 Bayreuth
  • Müller -Stoll, W.R., Freitag, H. & Krausch, H.-D. (1993): Der Wasserhaushalt des Oberspreewaldes und die potentielle natürliche Vegetation. - Gleditschia 21: 77-97.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1993): Ephedra. · In Tutin & al. (eds.) - Flora Europaea, ed. 2, Vol. 1: 49, Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (1992): A new species and a new combination in the genus Ephedra from Arabia.. · Edinb. J.. Bot. 49: 89-93.
  • Freitag, H., Müller-Stoll, W.R. & Krausch, H.-D. (1992): Die Grünlandgesellschaften des Spreewaldes (1-4). -Gleditschia 20: 235-326.


  • Kakiuchi, N., Mikage, M., Ickert-Bond, S., Maier-Stolte, M., Freitag, H. (2011): A molecular phylogenetic study of the Ephedra distachya / E. sinica complex in Eurasia. Willdenowia 41: 203-215.
  • Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H. (2011): Typification of plant names in Suaedoideae (Chenopodiaceae) published by P. Pallas, C.A. Meyer and A. Bunge. Willdenowia 41: 217-229.
  • Freitag, H. (2011): Typification of Salicornia perennans Willd. (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae) and the significance of names by Pallas. Willdenowia 41: 231-237.
  • Kadereit, G., Freitag, H. (2011): Molecular phylogeny of Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae): implications for biogeography, evolution of C4 photosynthesis and taxonomy. Taxon 60: 51-78.
  • Freitag, H. & Lomonosova, M.: Suaeda - In Schnittler, M., Zemmrich, A. & Starke, S., Virtual Flora of Mongolia (equivalent to c. 20 pages). - available from the internet by
  • Uotila, P. & Freitag, H.: Chenopodiaceae - in Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E., Euro+Med Notular, 5. - Willdenowia 41: 129.


Freitag, H. (1997): "Salsola". · In Rechinger, K.H. (ed.) - "Flora Iranica". Flora des Iranischen Hochlandes und der umgebenden Gebirge, No. 173: 154-255. - Graz

Freitag, H. & Özhatay, E. (1997): "A new subspecies of Salsola canescens(Chenopodiaceae) from SW Anatolia, Turkey". Willdenowia 27: 185-190.


Freitag, H. & Stichler, W. (2000): "A remarkable new leaf type with unusual photosynthetic tissue in a Central Asiatic genus of Chenopodiaceae". Plant Biol. 2: 154-160.

Freitag, H. & Duman, H. (2000): "An unexpected new taxon of Salsola from Turkey". Edinburgh J. Bot. 57: 339-348.

Freitag, H. (2000): "Chenopodiaceae". - In Güner, A. & al. (eds.): Flora of Turkey, Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2), 57-65.- Edinburgh Univ. Press.

Freitag, H. (2000): "Zygophyllaceae". - In Güner, A. & al. (eds.): Flora of Turkey, Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2), 75-76. - Edinburgh Univ. Press.


Freitag H (1991): "The distribution of some prominent halophytic Chenopodiaceae in SW Asia and their phytogeographical significance". Fl Veg Mundi 9: 281-292.

Freitag H, Boulos L (1991): "Notes on the Chenopodiaceae in Collenette´s Illustrated Guide to the Flowers of Saudi Arabia". Candollea 46: 81-84.

Freitag H (1991): "The Chenopodiaceae of Pakistan – an assesment of present knowledge". In Ali SI (ed), Plant life of South Asia. – Proc Intern Symp Karachi 24-27.02.1990; p. 73-93.


Freitag, H. (2001): "Suaeda". - In Ali, S.I. & Qaiser, M. (eds.): Flora of Pakistan 204, 104-126.- Karachi University Press.

Freitag, H. (2001): "Salsola". - In Ali, S.I. & Qaiser, M. (eds.): Flora of Pakistan 204, 127-178.- Karachi University Press.

Freitag, H., Golub, V. B. & Yuritsina, N.A. (2001): "Halophytic plant communities in the northern Caspian lowlands: 1, annual halophytic communities". Phytocoenologia 31: 63-108.

Caveney, St., Charlet, D.A., Freitag, H., Maier-Stolte, M. & Starrat, A.N. (2001): "New observations on the secondary chemistry of World Ephedra (Ephedraceae)". Am. J. Bot. 88: 1199-1208.

Voznesenskaya, E.V. Franceschi, V. Kiirats, O., Freitag, H. & Edwards, G.E. (2001): "Kranz-anatomy is not essential for terrestrial C4 plant photosynthesis". Nature 414: 543-546.


Voznesenskaya, E.V., Franceschi, V.R., Kiirats, O., Artyusheva, E.G., Freitag, H. & Edwards, G. (2002): "Proof of C4 photosynthesis without Kranz anatomy in Bienertia cycloptera (Chenopodiaceae)". The Plant J. 31: 649-662.

Freitag, H. & Stichler, W. (2002): "Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss., Chenopodiaceae, another C4 plant without Kranz tissues". Plant Biol. 4: 121-131.


Schütze, P., Freitag, H. & Weising, K. (2003): "An integrated molecular and morphological study of the subfamily Suaedoideae Ulbr. (Chenopodiaceae)". Plant Syst. Evol., 239: 257-286.

Kadereit, G., Borsch, T., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2003): "Phylogeny of Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae and the evolution of C4 photosynthesis". Int. J. Plant Sci., 164: 959-986.

Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (2003): "The genus Ephedra in NE Tropical Africa". Kew Bull. 58: 415-426.

Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H. (2003): "A new species of Suaeda(Chenopodiaceae) from the Altai". Willdenowia 33: 139-147.


Kadereit, G., Gotzek, D., Jacobs, S. & Freitag, H. (2005): "Origin and age of australian Chenopodiaceae.Organisms". Diversity & Evolution 5: 59-80.

Freitag, H. (2005): "New morphological characters help in classification of Chenopodiaceae". 17th Intern. Bot. Congr.17-23 June 2005 Vienna; invited lecture, see Abstr. Vol. p. 233.

Schütze, P., Weising, K. & Freitag, H. (2005): "Phylogeny and C4 evolution in the genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) and related taxa". Ibid.; see Abstr. Vol. p. 233.


Freitag, H. & Lomonosova, M. (2006): "Typification and identity of Suaeda crassifolia, S. prostrata and S. salsa: three often confused species of Suaeda sect. Brezia (Suaedoideae, Chenopodiaceae)". Willdenowia 36: 21-36.

Kadereit, G., Mucina, L.& Freitag, H. (2006): "Phylogeny of Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae): diversification, biogeography, and evolutionary trends in leaf and flower morphology". Taxon 55: 617-642.

Freitag H (2006): "Physiognomische Anpassungen von Laubblättern an Umweltbedingungen". – Naturwiss. Rundsch. 59: 310-311.


Voznesenskaya, E.V., Chuong, S.D.X., Koteyeva, N.K., Franceschi, V.R., Freitag, H. (2007): "Structural, biochemical, and physiological characterization of C4 photosynthesis in species having two vastly different types of Kranz anatomy in genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae)". Plant Biol. 8: 745-757.

Weising, K., Freitag, H. (2007): "Phylogeography of halophytes from European coastal and inland habitats". Zool. Anzeiger 246: 279-292.

Kadereit, G., Ball, P., Beer, S., Mucina, L., Sokoloff, D., Teege, P., Yaprak, A.E., Freitag, H. (2007): "A taxonomic nightmare becomes true: phylogeny and biogeography of glassworts (Salicornia L., Chenopodiaceae)". Taxon 56: 1143-1170.

Danin A, and Freitag H (2007): "Beta adanensis Aellen. - In Greuter W, Raus, Th, Med-Checklist Notulae 26". Willdenowia 37: 436.


Lomonosova, M.N., Freitag, H. (2008): "The genus Suaeda in Asian Russia". Rastitel´n. Mira Aziatsk. Ross. 2: 12-19.

Akopian, J., Gabrielyan, I., Freitag, H. (2008): "Fossil fruits of Salsola L. s.l. and Halanthium K.Koch (Chenopodiaceae) from Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments in Armenia". Feddes Repertorium 119: 225-236.

Lomonosova, M., Brandt, R., Freitag, H. (2008): "Suaeda corniculata (Chenopodiaceae) and related new taxa from Eurasia". Willdenowia 38: 81-109.


Freitag H, Lomonosova M (2010): "Suaeda". – In Schnittler M, Zemmrich A, Starke S, Virtual Flora of Mongolia). – published online by

Freitag H, Hedge IC, Rafiqpoor MD, Breckle S-W (2010): "Flora and Vegetation Geography of Afghanistan". – Pp. 79-115 in Breckle S-W, Dittmann A, Rafiqpoor MD, Field Guide Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).

Freitag H (2010): "Ephedraceae". – Pp. 196-201 in Breckle S-W, Dittmann A, Rafiqpoor MD, Field Guide Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis)

Freitag H (2010): "Chenopodiaceae". – Pp. 374-413 in Breckle S-W, Dittmann A, Rafiqpoor MD, Field Guide Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).


Kakiuchi N, Mikage M, Ickert-Bond S, Maier-Stolte M, Freitag H (2011): "A molecular phylogenetic study of the Ephedra distachya/E.sinica complex in Eurasia". – Willdenowia 41: 203-215.

Lomonosova M, Freitag H (2011): "- Typification of plant names in Suaedoideae (Chenopodiaceae) described by P. Pallas, C.A. Meyer and A. Bunge". Willdenowia 41: 217-229.

Freitag H (2011): "Typification of Salicornia perennans Willd. (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae) and the significance of names by Pallas". Willdenowia 41: 231-237.

Kadereit G, Freitag H (2011): "Molecular phylogeny of Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae): implications for biogeography, evolution of C4 photosynthesis and taxonomy". Taxon 60/1: 51-78.

Uotila P, Freitag H (2011): "Chenopodiaceae. – Pp. 129 in Greuter W, Raab-Straube E. (eds), Notulae ad floram euro-mediterraneam pertinentes No. 27 (Euro+Med Notulae 5)". Willdenowia 41(1).


Freitag, H., Vural, M. & Adigüzel, N. (1999): "A remarkable new Salsola and some new records of Chenopodiaceae from Central Anatolia, Turkey". Willdenowia 29: 123-139. 

Vural, M., Adigüzel, N. Freitag, H. & Freitag, A. (1999): "A little haven for chenopods: Nallihan Bird Sanctuary". Karaca Arboretum Mag. 5: 49-58.

Freitag, H. (1999): "Die Evolution der Landpflanzen". In Fasterding, M (ed.): "Auf den Spuren der Evolution", S. 101-123. - Gelsenkirchen


Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H. (2009): "Chenopodiaceae, in Marhol, K. & Breitwieser, I. (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 8. ?". Taxon 58: 1284.

Freitag, H., Atamov, V., Cetin, E., Aslan, M. (2009): "The genus Halothamnus (Jaub. & Spach (Chenopodiaceae) in Turkey". Turk. J. Bot. 33: 325-334.

Freitag, H. & Maier-Stolte, M. (2009): "Ephedraceae". - In Schnittler, M., Zemmrich, A. & Starke, S., Virtual Flora of Mongolia (equivalent to c. 10 pages). - published online by


Brandt R, Lomonosova M, Freitag H, Kucev M, Weising K (2013): "Evolution of the Suaeda corniculata group (Chenopodiaceae) in Eurasia based on molecular phylogeny and caryology. Pp. 263-264 in Sovremennaya Botanika v Rossii". Trudy 13. s’ezda Russk. Bot. Obsh. (Togliatti 16-22 sent.2013). Kassandra Togliatti.

Freitag H (2013): "Ephedraceae".- Pp. 114-115 in Freitag H, Breckle SW, Hedge IC & Rafiqpoor MD, Checklist Flora of Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).

Freitag H (2013): "Chenopodiaceae".- Pp. 261-274 in Freitag H, Breckle, SW, Hedge IC & Rafiqpoor MD, Checklist Flora of Afghanistan. Bonn (Scientia Bonnensis).

Freitag H, Brandt R, Chatrenoor T Akhani H (2013): "Suaeda iranshahrii, a new species of Suaeda subgenus Brezia (Chenopodiaceae) from the Persian Gulf coasts". Rostaniha 14(1): 68-80.

Freitag H, Kadereit G (2013): "C3 and C4 leaf anatomy types in Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoide-ae, Chenopodiaceae)". Plant Syst. Evol.: 300 (4): 665-687.DOI 10.1007/s00606-013-0912-9.

Dickoré WB, Schloeder C, Jacobs M, Spribille T, Freitag H (2013): "Ochotonophila flava (Caryophyl-laceae), a new species from Central Afghanistan". Edinb. J. Bot. 70(3): 405-412.


Freitag H, Kadereit G – C3 and C4 leaf anatomy types in Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae), Chenopodiaceae). Plant Syst Evol 300 (4): 665-687. Doi: 10.1007/s00606-013-0912-9.

Mosyakin SL, Rilke S, Freitag H – (2323) Proposal to conserve the name Salsola (Chenopodiaceae s.str., Amaranthaceae sensu APG) with a conserved type. Taxon 63: 1134-1135. Doi: 10.12705/635.15

Kadereit G, Lauterbach M, Pirie M, Arafeh R, Freitag H – When do different C4 leaf anatomies indicate independent C4 origins? – Parallel evolution of C4 leaf types in Camphorosmeae (Cheno-podiaceae). J Exp Bot 65 (13): 3499-3511. Doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru169.

Freitag H, Sennikov A – (2256) Proposal to conserve the name Salsola sedoides Pall. against S. sedoides L. (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae). Taxon 63 (3): 186-187. Doi: 10.12705/631.17.

Sennikov A, Freitag H – The nomenclatural history of Salsola sedoides L. and Salsola sedoides Pall. (Suaedoideae and Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae). Taxon 63 (1): 151-160. Doi: 10.12705/631.33.


Kadereit, G., Lauterbach, M., Pirie, M., Arafeh, R., Freitag, H. - When do different C4 leaf anatomies indicate independent C4 origins? – Parallel evolution of C4 leaf types in Camphorosmeae (Chenopodiaceae). J. Exp. Bot., DOI 10.1093/jxb/eru169.

Freitag, H., Kadereit, G. - C3 and C4 leaf anatomy types in Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae), Chenopodiaceae). Plant Syst. Evol.300 (4): 665-687.

Freitag, H. & Sennikov, A. - (2256) Proposal to conserve the name Salsola sedoides Pall. against S. sedoides L. (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae). Taxon 63 (3): 186-187.

Sennikov, A. & Freitag, H. - The nomenclatural history of Salsola sedoides L. and Salsola sedoides Pall. (Suaedoideae and Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae /Amaranthaceae). Taxon 63 (1): 151-160.


  • Kadereit, G., Lauterbach, M., Pirie, M., Arafeh, R., Freitag, H. - When do different C4 leaf anatomies indicate independent C4 origins? – Parallel evolution of C4 leaf types in Camphorosmeae (Chenopodiaceae). J. Exp. Bot., DOI 10.1093/jxb/eru169.
  • Freitag, H., Kadereit, G. - C3 and C4 leaf anatomy types in Camphorosmeae (Camphorosmoideae), Chenopodiaceae). Plant Syst. Evol.300 (4): 665-687.
  • Freitag, H. & Sennikov, A. - (2256) Proposal to conserve the name Salsola sedoides Pall. against S. sedoides L. (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae). Taxon 63 (3): 186-187.
  • Sennikov, A. & Freitag, H. - The nomenclatural history of Salsola sedoides L. and Salsola sedoides Pall. (Suaedoideae and Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodiaceae /Amaranthaceae). Taxon 63 (1): 151-160.