Proteins involved in endocytic transit (FcsA)
Top: Long chain fatty acyl CoA synthetase 1 (FcsA, green dots) on acidic endosomes and recycling vesicles.
Right: FcsA-GFP (green) on (large) endosomes and (small) recycling vesicles (both red).
LC-FACS Text 2
Function: The uptake of fatty acids from food particles across the membrane of the endosome is inefficient in a fcsA mutant.
von Löhneysen et al., 2003
- von Löhneysen, K., Pawolleck, N., Rühling, H., and Maniak, M.:
A Dictyostelium Long Chain Fatty Acyl Coenzyme A Synthetase mediates fatty acid retrieval from endosomes. Eur.J. Cell Biol., 82, 505 - 514, 2003