
Abgeschlossene, von Prof. Giesen betreute Doktorarbeiten

High-Resolution Microwave Spectroscopy of Radioactive Molecules
Breier, Alexander (2019)

Far-infrared Spectroscopy of Dimethyl-Ether and its 13C-enriched Isotopologues and First Spectroscopic Characterization of Tert-butyl-dibromophosphane
Kutzer, Pia (2016)

Infrarot-Laserspektroskopie an Silizium- und Germanium-Kohlenstoffverbindungen
Lutter, Volker (2015)

Terahertz Spectroscopy of Dimethyl Ether
Endres, Christian (2009)

HSOH - An elusive species with many different traits
Baum, Oliver (2008)

Rovibrational Spectroscopy on Linear C7 and C8 in a Supersonic Jet Expansion
Neubauer-Guenther, Petra (2007)

A Supersonic Jet Spectrometer for Terahertz Applications (SuJeSTA)
Caris, Michael (2006)

High Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy on Small Molecules of Astrophysical Importance
Sandra Brünken (2005)

Carbon Chain Molecules: Production and Spectroscopic Detection
Fuchs, Guido W. (2003)

High Resolution Spectroscopy of Ethyl Methyl Ether and Hydrogen Cyanide Isotopomers
Fuchs, Ulrike B.C. (2002)

Infrarot–Spektroskopie an kleinen Kohlenstoff–Clustern
Berndt, Ute (2000)

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