1998 - 2004

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  • Scientific Advisory Council to the BMVEL (2004): Opinion on the Decisions of the Council of the European Union on the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of 26 June 2003. Ber. Ldw. 82, 165-172.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Sustaining animal health and food safety in European organic livestock farming. Proc. 1a Conferencia Interternacional Ecologica en el sur de Europa. Oct. 7-9, Zamora, Spain. p.25.
  • TREJO LIZAMA, W., R. SANTOS RICALDE, S. ANDERSON and A. SUNDRUM (2004): Integrating pigs and maize production in a low input production system in the tropic of Mexico. Proc. German Tropical Day, 5-7 October 2004, Berlin, p. 243.
  • HOY, St., E. von BORELL, Th. RICHTER, and A. SUNDRUM (2004): The HACCP program in pig production - critical control points (CCP) from an animal health perspective. Breeding Science 76, 367-380.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Emission reduction strategies in organic cattle production. In: STEIN-BACHINGER, K., J. BACHINGER and L. SCHMITT (eds.): Nutrient management in organic farming. KTBL publication 423, 46-58.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Emission reduction strategies in organic pig production. In: STEIN-BACHINGER, K., J. BACHINGER and L. SCHMITT (eds.): Nutrient management in organic farming. KTBL publication 423, 58-70.
  • HOVI, M., A. SUNDRUM, and S. PADEL (2004): Organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health and welfare and food quality. Proceedings of the 2nd SAFO Workshop, 25-27 March 2004, Witzenhausen.
  • SUNDRUM, A., and M. EBKE (2004): Problems and challenges with the certification of organic pigs. In: HOVI, M., A. SUNDRUM & S. PADEL (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd SAFO-Workshop, University Kassel, Germany, p. 193-198.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Feeding and animal health. In: STRIEZEL (Ed.): Leitfaden zur Tiergesundheit - Prophylaxe und biologische Behandlung bei Nutztieren. Sonntag-Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • HARTUNG, E., K. OLLESCH, A. HÄUSSERMANN, M. RIEGER, H. DIEFENBACH, A. SUNDRUM, M.EBKE, M. LOHMEYER (2004): Indoor Air Quality and Biological Impacts on the Workplace in Housing Systems for fattening pigs. Landtechnik 59, 220-221.
  • TREJO LIZAMA, W., M. RAUBUCH and A. SUNDRUM (2004): Influence of forage on microbial activity in the hind gut of pigs and potential benefits to soil biology. In: HOVI, M., A. SUNDRUM & S. PADEL, Proceedings of the 2nd SAFO-Workshop, University Kassel, Germany, p. 229-234.
  • HARTUNG, E., K. OLLESCH, A. HÄUSSERMANN, M. RIEGER, H. DIEFENBACH, A. SUNDRUM, M.EBKE, M. LOHMEYER (2004): Housing air quality and occupational exposures in different fattening pig housing systems. Agricultural engineering research 10, 47-53.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Feeding and animal health on organic farms. Proceedings of the 31st Livestock Conference, BAL Gumpenstein, pp. 73-78.
  • SUNDRUM, A. and U. Schumacher (2004):Dairy cattle feeding under system-oriented aspects in organic farming. Proc. Soc. Nutr. Physiol. 13, 183-184.
  • RIEGER, M.A., DIEFENBACH, H., NÜBLING, M., LOHMEYER, M., HARTUNG, E., SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Exposure to airborne biological agents in different pig farming systems. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Occupational Medicine, April 21-24, 2004, Innsbruck.
  • VAARST, M., S. PADEL, M. HOVI, D. YOUNIE and A. SUNDRUM (2004): Sustaining animal health and food safety in European organic livestock farming. Livestock Production Science (in press).
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2004): Sustaining animal health and food safety in european organic livestock farming. Proc. 1a Conferencia Interternacional Ecologica en el sur de Europa. 7-9 Octobre, Zamora, Spain. p.25.
  • KNIERIM, U., A. SUNDRUM, T. BENNEDSGAARD, U. ROIHA, FINLAND, and P.F. JOHNSON (2004): Assessing animal welfare in organic herds: advantages, relevance, difficulties and disadvantages from an ethical, practical and research point of view. In: VAARST, M., RODERICK, S., LUND, V., and LOCKERETZ, W. (eds.), Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture. CABI Publishing, p. 189-204.
  • THAMSBORG, S.M., S. RODERICK, and A. SUNDRUM (2004): Animal health and diseases in organic farming. In: VAARST, M., RODERICK, S., LUND, V., and LOCKERETZ, W. (eds.), Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture. CABI Publishing, p. 227-252.


  • HOVI, M., A. SUNDRUM and S. M. THAMSBORG (2003): Animal health and welfare in organic livestock production in Europe - current state and future challenges. Livestock Production Science 80, 41-53.
  • RAHMANN, G., A. SUNDRUM, and F. WEISSMANN (2003): What qualities will organic farming be able to deliver in meat production in 2025. Landbauforschung Völkenrode, special issue 262, 131-149.
  • DIEFENBACH, H., RIEGER, M.A., LOHMEYER, M., HARTUNG, E., SUNDRUM, A. (2003): Airborne biological hazards in different pig fattening systems. 5th Int. Symposium Future of Rural Peoples, October 19-23, 2003, Saskatoon, Canada.
  • VAARST, M., M. HOVI, A. SSUNDRUM, D. YOUNIE and S. PADEL (2003): Sustaining animal health and food safety in European organic livestock farming - presentation of an EU Network Project. Presentation at 54th Annual EAAP meeting, Rome, August 31st, 4 pages.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2003): Possibilities, limitations and open questions in organic livestock farming. Association of Chambers of Agriculture (ed.) Forum applied research in cattle and pig feeding, 2-3.04.2003, Fulda, Germany, pp. 1-4.
  • BÜTFERING, L., K. RÜBESAM, B. KULIG, K.-H. HOPPENBROCK, G. STALLJOHANN, and A. SUNDRUM (2003): Increased intramuscular fat (IMF) storage by special feeding measures. Association of Chambers of Agriculture (ed.) Forum applied research in cattle and pig feeding, 2-3.04.2003, Fulda, Germany, pp. 110-112.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2003): Health risks in fattening bull farming. In: Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ed.) Special Event Animal Welfare, XXII World Buiatric Congress, 21.08.02, Hanover, pp. 1-13.
  • SUNDRUM, A., A. TRANGOLAO, and U. KÖKPE (2003): Possibilities and limits of conversion of pig farms. In: FREYER, B. (ed.) Contributions to the 7th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, 24-26 February 2003, University of Vienna, pp. 261-264.
  • TREJO LIZAMA, W., R. SANTOS RICALDE, R. BELMAR, S. ANDERSON, and A. SUNDRUM (2003): Digestibility and nitrogen balance in creole and improved breed of pigs fed with maize and mucuna beans in peasant systems in Mexico. Proceedings German Tropical Day, Technological and Institutional Innovations for Sustainable Rural Development, 8-10.10.2003, Göttingen, p. 171.


  • SUNDRUM, A. (2002): Sustainability in animal husbandry - A comparison of procedural and systems approaches. Ber. Ldw. 80, pp. 556-570.
  • SUNDRUM, A., (2002): Carcass quality of organic pork. AFSSA - Journée d'Echanges sur l'Agriculture Biologique, 18 octobre 2002, p. 50-52.
  • SUNDRUM, A., A. TRANGOLAO and U. KÖPKE (2002): Effects of conversion of pig farms in an ecological integrated system on environmental and economic parameters. Research report of the Teaching and Research Center "Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft of the University of Bonn, issue no. (in press).
  • SUNDRUM, A., B. KULIG, K. RÜBESAM, K. SCHRÖDER, A. FARKE (2002): On the importance of forage structure in feeding fattening bulls. Rentenbank publication series, vol. 17, pp. 161-195.
  • SUNDRUM, A., (2002): Evaluation of variables influencing the animal welfare of the housing environment of calves. Rentenbank publication series, vol. 17, pp. 62-66.
  • SUNDRUM, A., (2002): Evaluation of influencing variables on the animal welfare of the housing environment of beef cattle. Rentenbank publication series, vol. 17, pp. 67-74.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2002): Cultura e 'Filosofia' dell'Allevamento Biologico. Proc. of the XXXV Congresso SIVeMP Convegno: Gli Alimenti Biologici e il ruolo del veterinario. In: Argomenti 4, p. 38-40.
  • LELLMANN, A., J. PETERSEN and A. SUNDRUM (2002): On-farm feeding in rabbit fattening? Deutscher Kleintierzüchter 111, pp. 8-10.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2002): System immanent potential of organic livestock production to reduce emissions. KTBL publication 406, 265-277.
  • HOVI, M. and A. SUNDRUM (2002): Health planning and management in organic livestock systems. In: HOVI, M. & M. VAARST, Proceedings of the 5th NAHWOA Workshop, Denmark, p. 152-156.


  • CANALI, E., R. FALLON, P. LE NEINDRE, L. LIDFORS, X. MANTECA and A. SUNDRUM (2001): The Welfare of cattle kept for beef production. Report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Welfare of the EU-Commission.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Organic livestock farming - A critical review. Livestock Production Science 67, 207-215.
  • SUNDRUM, A. and I. RUBELOWSKI (2001): Meaningfulness of design criteria in relation to animal health. Acta Agric. Scand. sect A, Animal Science 30, 48-52.
  • SUNDRUM, A. and I. RUBELOWSKI (2001): Evaluation of animal welfare of housing conditions for fattening bulls on practical farms. Proceedings of the IGN Conference "Animal Welfare and Farm Animal Husbandry, Oct. 4-6, 2001 (in press).
  • BORELL, VON E., F.-J. BOCKISCH, W. BÜSCHER, S. HOY, J. KRIETER, C. MÜLLER, N. PARVIZI, T. RICHTER, A. RUDOWSKY, A. SUNDRUM and H. VAN DEN WEGHE (2001): Critical control points for on-farm assessment of pig housing. Livestock Production Science (in press).
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Managing amino acids in organic pig diets. Proceedings of the 4th NAHWOA-workshop, Wageningen, NL (in press).
  • HOVI, M. and SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Feeding for health and welfare - discussion report. Proceedings of the 4th NAHWOA-workshop, Wageningen, NL (in press).
  • KNIERIM, U., A. SUNDRUM, T. BENNEDSGAARD, U. ROIHA, FINLAND and P.F. JOHNSON (2001): Assessing animal welfare in organic herds: advantages, relevance, difficulties and disadvantages from an ethical, practical and research point of view. In: Vaarst, M., Lund, V. and Roderick, S. (eds.), Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture (in press).
  • LELLMANN, A., J. PETERSEN and A. SUNDRUM (2001): Fattening rabbits with on-farm feed? DGS (in press).
  • AUTHOR COLLECTIVE: W. BESSEL, F.-J. BOCKISCH, E. VON BORELL, T. DÜRR, L. MÜLLER, A. RUDOVSKY, A. SUNDRUM (2001): Animal-friendly husbandry of cattle. In: AID (ed.) livestock management, CD-ROM.
  • SUNDRUM, A.(2001): Feeding and animal health. In Striezel (ed.) Leitfaden zur Tiergesundheit - Prophylaxe und biologische Behandlung bei Nutztieren. Sonntag-Verlag, Stuttgart (in press).
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): With the right feed to tender organic pigs. The progressive farmer 5, 14-15.
  • SIMANTKE, C. and A. SUNDRUM (2001): Pigs also appreciate basic feed. bioland 3, 22-23.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Organic, natural and conventional: a question of definition? Proceedings of the 4th aid-Forum "Klasse statt Masse, Landwirtschaftliche Nutztierhaltung und Verbraucherschutz", 12.06.2001, Bonn.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Animal welfare requirements and current developments. Proceedings of the symposium "Environmental or Animal Welfare. Wonach sich die 'Beste verfügbare Technik (BVT)' KTBL und UBA, 19.06.2001, Berling.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): In every crisis lies an opportunity. Prisma, journal of the University of Kassel 63, 3-8.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2001): Feeding the fattening pig in organic farming - the influence of feeding on meat quality. Proceedings of the ERNTE symposium: Bioschweinhaltung mit Erfolg, 7.12.2000, St. Pölten, Austria (in press).


  • SUNDRUM, A., L. BÜTFERING, M. HENNING and K.-H. HOPPENBROCK (2000): Effects of On-Farm Diets for Organic Pig Production on Performance and Carcass Quality. J. Animal Sci. 78, 1199-1205.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2000): Preconditions of organic livestock farming to improve animal health and welfare. 5th Int. Livestock Farming Systems Symposium. European Association for Animal Production, EAAP Publ. 97, 81-88.
  • SUNDRUM, A., B. KULIG and G. BIEDERMANN (2000): Feeding strategy in organic farming to improve the quality of pork. In: ALFÖLDI, T., W. LOCKERETZ and U. NIGGLI (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Int. IFOAM Scientific Conference, Aug. 28-30, 2000, Basel, Switzerland, p. 370.
  • SUNDRUM, A. and A. TRANGOLAO (2000): Conversion of specialized pig farms and the implications on nutrient and economic balance. In: ALFÖLDI, T., W. LOCKERETZ and U. NIGGLI (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Int. IFOAM Scientific Conference, Aug. 28-30, 2000, Basel, Switzerland, p. 371.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2000): Contribution of the EEC-Regulation for the animal health and welfare issue. In: ALFÖLDI, T., W. LOCKERETZ and U. NIGGLI (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Int. IFOAM Scientific Conference, Aug. 28-30, 2000, Basel, Switzerland, p. 328.
  • HOPPENBROCK, K.-H., L. BÜTFERING and A. SUNDRUM (2000): Haus Düsse communicates. Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt Westfalen Lippe 34, 42-45.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2000): Dairy farming in organic agriculture. Poster exhibition at the EURO-Tier 2000, 28.11.-1.12.2000, Hannover.
  • KÖPKE, U. and A. SUNDRUM (2000): Assessing animal welfare. Poster exhibition at the EURO-Tier 2000, 28.11.-1.12.2000, Hannover.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (2000): Organic animal husbandry - orienting towards the consumer. DLG-Mitteilungen 4/2000, 26-29.


  • SUNDRUM, A., Th. RICHTER, and M. STEINHARDT (1999): Criteria of animal welfare (behavior and health) in cattle, pigs, and laying hens. Züchtungskunde 71, 17-28.
  • SUNDRUM, A., L. BÜTFERING, I. RUBELOWSKI, M. HENNING, G. STALLJOHANN, and K.-H. HOPPENBROCK (1999): Production of pork under the premises of organic farming. In Hoffmann, H. & S. Müller (Eds.): Contributions to the 5th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, 23-25 February 1999, Humboldt University Berlin, pp. 209-212.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1999): On the use of zeolite to relieve metabolism in fattening bulls. In Hoffmann, H. & S. Müller (Eds.): Contributions to the 5th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, 23-25 February 1999, Humboldt University Berlin, pp. 537-540.
  • RUBELOWSKI, I. and A. SUNDRUM (1999): Effects of housing conditions in fattening bulls on animal health and behavior. In Hoffmann, H. & S. Müller (Eds.): Contributions to the 5th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, 23-25 February 1999, Humboldt University Berlin, pp. 545-547.
  • RUBELOWSKI, I. and A. SUNDRUM (1999): On the importance of pig culling In organic farming. In Hoffmann, H. & S. Müller (Eds.): Contributions to the 5th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, 23-25 February 1999, Humboldt University Berlin, pp. 218-221.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1999): EEC-Regulation on organic livestock production and their contribution to the animal welfare issue. In: KTBL (ed.) Regulation of Animal Production in Europe, KTBL publication 270, pp. 93-97.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1999): Future systems in organic farming: Animal production, health and welfare. In: ISART, J. and J.J. LLERENA (eds.): Future of the Organic Farming Systems. Proc. of the 4th ENOF-Worshop, Edinburgh, 25-26 June 1998, 49-56.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1999): What is the contribution of organic livestock production to sustainability assessment? Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte Heft 22, 123-130.


  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): On the assessment of animal welfare of husbandry conditions of farm animals. Dtsch. tierärztl. Wschr. 105, 65-72.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): Basic principles of organic animal husbandry. Dtsch. tierärztl. Wschr. 105, 293-298.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): Organic animal husbandry - possibilities and limits of production. In: KREKELER, H.-J., TRAPPMANN, W. (Eds.): Lectures of the 50th University Conference of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bonn, 17.02.1998, Münster, Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup, pp. 107-114.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): On the assessment of animal welfare at farm level - Current status and future developments. Proceedings of the DVG specialist group on animal welfare law, 5-7 March 1998, Nürtingen, pp. 38-43.
  • ANDERSSON, R. and A. SUNDRUM (1998): Methods for evaluating animal welfare at farm level. KTBL publication 377, 92-98.
  • SUNDRUM, A., R. WELLER, A. COOPER, G. RIESEN (1998): Implications of animal nutrition on feed intake, animal health and milk quality in ecological dairy farming. Newsletter of the European Network for Scientific Research Co-ordination in Organic Farming 7, 10-13.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): Contribution of organic livestock farming for the assessment of sustainability. Newsletter of the European Network for Scientific Research Co-ordination in Organic Farming 8, 13-17.
  • SUNDRUM, A. (1998): Moving into a new era. In: Sustainable management in regional cooperation. DAMKE, E. (ed.), Kathy Beys Publishers, pp. 108-115.