Food supply in the city, urban agriculture and gardens
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Program subject to change.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
- 7:30 pm: "When a garden grows"
Film by Ines Reinisch, Capitolkino Witzenhausen, followed by a film discussion with the director Ines Reinisch, Dr. Susanne Wiegel (Transition Town - Essen im Wandel) and Anna Rieterer (Interkultureller Gemeinschaftsgarten Witzenhausen)
Friday, July 15, 2016
All events on Friday will take place at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Kleine Aula, Nordbahnhofstrasse 1 a, Witzenhausen.
The first part of the conference will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heß. After the coffee and communication break, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael A. Zöbisch will take over the moderation.
- 13:00: Welcome
Hans Hemann, Chairman of the Witzenhausen University Association
Prof. Dr. Peter von Fragstein, Dean of Faculty 11
Angela Fischer, Mayor of the City of Witzenhausen
- 1:30 pm: Urban Gardening: New spaces between urban activism and sustainable agriculture
Dr. Christa Müller, Stiftungsgemeinschaft anstiftung and ertomis, Munich
- 14:15: bauerngarten Berlin - community garden or business model?
Max von Grafenstein, bauerngarten Berlin
- 15:00 - 15:30: Coffee and communication break
- 15:30: Urban agriculture in West African cities - land, water, soil
Juliane Dao, (Department of Organic Crop Production and Agroecosystem Research in the Tropics and Subtropics, FB 11), Witzenhausen
- 16:15: Transformation processes in rural-urban areas in Asia, using the example of Bangalore, India
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert, (Department of Organic Crop Production and Agroecosystem Research in the Tropics and Subtropics, FB 11), Witzenhausen
- 17:00 End