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05/18/2022 | Sociology of rural areas | Interdepartmental

Ethics for agriculture

Lecture and discussion by and with Dr. Christian Dürnberger on Thursday, 19.05.2022 at 10:00 a.m., digital at

As part of the module "Sociocultural Dimensions of Rural Development" we cordially invite you to a digital lecture and subsequent discussion on the topic of "An Ethic for Agriculture" with Dr. Christian Dürnberger (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna).


Farmers are currently facing new challenges: Their work is controversial, the social knowledge about food production is low - but the expectations directed at agriculture are not. In this field of tension, farmers are not only expected to live up to their special responsibility, but more than that: they are expected to answer questions in the debates.

Accordingly, ethical reflection is part of the modern agricultural profession: farmers should act in a value-conscious manner and increasingly speak up for themselves in social debates.

Ethics for agriculture. But what is ethics? How can the new social expectations be described? And what does responsibility mean with regard to food, the environment, climate and animals?


We would be delighted to welcome many interested people online. If you prefer to sit with us in the lecture hall, come to H 23, Steinstraße 19, starting at 9:50 a.m. Dr. Christian Dürnberger will join us live from Vienna. :)


Questions about the event please contact Ms. Anika Bolten: anika.bolten[at]uni-kassel[dot]de