Press Archive

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  • 13.11 - New EU project at the University of Kassel optimizes crop production, the Department of Agricultural Engineering headed by Prof. Dr. Oliver Hensel is involved with funding of 0.5 million euros
  • 17.10.2018 - "Code of Practice for the Production of Organic Food" project at the University of Kassel develops a code of conduct for the processing of organic food
  • 10.09.2018 - "Getting to the roots of soil research" - The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new priority program on rhizosphere research with six million euros. The Department of Soil Science at the University of Kassel, headed by Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth, is one of the German research institutions receiving funding
  • 25. and 26.08.2018 - Federal Minister reviews robotics project of the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Kassel
  • 30.07.2018 - Activated carbon from leaves: University of Kassel coordinates new research project - the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the project with two million euros
  • 18.05.2018 - Architecture, mathematics, agriculture: three out of four prizes for excellent teaching go to the University of Kassel
  • 17.04.2018 - Recently discovered fungus named after Witzenhausen - Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh, Head of the Department of Ecological Plant Protection at the University of Kassel, and her former doctoral candidate Adnan Sisic discover two new species of fungi
  • 08.03.2018 - Dr Barbara Sturm receives Anton Schlüter Medal for her habilitation thesis "Systemic optimization and design approach for thermal food processes - Increase of quality, process- and resource efficiency in dried agricultural products manufacturing"
  • 03.05.2018 - Measuring device prevents bacterial growth in maize silos - Isaiah Eterno Muchilwa (alumnus of FB 11 - Ecological Agricultural Sciences) receives 150,000 euro sponsorship award
  • 07.12.2017 - BMEL-funded research project worth €1.5 million - Scientists at the University of Kassel are researching the topic
    Recording, recognition and social benefits of applied research with the development of an evaluation system that benefits as many stakeholders in the innovation system as possible
  • 06.12.17 - international project "PigSys" - Scientists at the University of Kassel develop concept for animal-friendly and resource-efficient pig fattening
  • 17.11. - Meta-study sees use of glyphosate as critical: Kassel plant protection scientist warns of risks
  • 14.11. - Further training course "Smart and adapted technologies in Agriculture" in Witzenhausen with 25 alumni
  • 06.10. - UNIKAT ideas competition: Natural method to combat bee mortality by Sven Leygraf (FB 11 Ecological Agricultural Sciences) awarded prize for best idea
  • 20.07.- Ahle Wurscht at the touch of a button: Vending machine for organic food at the University of Kassel with products from the Frankenhausen state domain
  • 21.06. - Germany's first organic field days at the Frankenhausen domain on 21 and 22 June 2017 - the University of Kassel is co-organizer
  • 22.03 - Research project creates new basis for evaluating the bioeconomy - Faculty 11 is a partner in the nationwide project
  • 28.11. Ranking: Students of ecological agricultural sciences at the University of Kassel very satisfied
  • 07.11. First prize for thesis on the prediction of baking qualities of wheat - a total of two prize awards for theses of students Philip Schierning and Renate Sophie Lippmann (FB 11)
  • 07.10. Autumn leaves become activated carbon - research project develops clever biomass utilization
  • 23.09. Study: Increased standards for animal husbandry without effects on animal health
  • June Kassel livestock scientists: Align competition between dairy farms with quality criteria
  • Feb. 23: How vetches and chickling peas can save valuable arable land
  • Feb. 15 Study: Many vegans do not fundamentally reject livestock farming
  • 05.02. ALUMNI-winterschool in Witzenhausen
  • 27.01. Prof. Maria Finckh is founding member of Agroecology Europe
  • 15.12, New DFG research group in Kassel and Göttingen on agricultural change in rural-urban areas
  • 08.09, Gentle and energy-efficient processing of organic foods
  • 27.07., World's first university course in organic agriculture started 20 years ago at the University of Kassel
  • 26.06., Witzenhausen documentary film production "When a garden grows" wins film music award
  • 15.06., Students brew organic beer
  • 05/26, Summerschool "Solar technology in developing countries
  • 26.04., Open day and plant market in Witzenhausen
  • 03/16, Study in several countries: New master's degree in organic food production at the University of Kassel
  • Nov. 06, Balance between humans and nature: Research team develops model for social-ecological change processes
  • 22.05., Project ÖkoLandbauTour of the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences receives UNESCO award again
  • 14.05., Soil conservation and biodiversity in arable farming
  • 23.04., Resistant plants - without genetic engineering. New department at the University of Kassel advances ecological breeding
  • 04/15, Award-winning education initiative
  • Feb. 28, Can development be sustainable?
  • Jan. 20, The worm in organic farming - inaugural lecture by apl. Prof. Dr. Johannes Hallmann
  • 13.12., Food Culture Award 2012 on the topic of humans - animals - society
  • 21.09., EU project to improve animal health in organic farming
  • 17.09., Tropentag 2012: How resilient is agriculture to crises?
  • 27.07., "Our ecological footprint": Ecological maize labyrinth begins in Frankenhausen
  • 18.07., Call for entries: Food culture award on morals and ethics in nutrition
  • 16.07., Plant diversity leads to high energy yields
  • 10.07., Students want to build an international network after Rio+20
  • 25.04., University of Kassel researches protection and fertility of arable soils
  • 24.04., Agricultural Engineering Witzenhausen: Another alumni summer school on solar technology
  • 10.04., Open day and study information day at the faculty
  • 05.03., EU research project: Reduced tillage and green manuring in organic farming
  • 26.01., Listen to who's nibbling: Eavesdropping on storage pests
  • 26.01., Tracking down the fingerprint of organic food
  • 20.01., Faculty Day for Agricultural Sciences and Ecotrophology in Witzenhausen
  • 16.01., Castration of piglets without anaesthesia does not fit in with organic farming
  • 12.01., 7th Organic Farming Tour to Franconia starts
  • 20.12. 19th Witzenhausen Conference on Social Work and Education in Agriculture.
  • 16.12. Educational project WeltGarten again awarded as UNESCO Decade Project
  • 09.12. Agricultural technology solutions for weed control in organic farming ? Reports from research and practice
  • 08.12. Food Culture Award on the topic of social inequality and nutrition
  • 25.11. Prof. Dr. Wachendorf leads Society for Crop Science
  • 25.11. 25 Alumni in Witzenhausen for the Summerschool Agricultural Engineering in Developing Countries
  • 14.11. VW Foundation promotes engineers for Africa
  • 21.10. Dr. Ismail M. Moumouni conducts research in Kassel and Göttingen
  • 26.08. Solar storage dries hay
  • 23.08. On winding paths across the cornfield
  • 08.08. Agricultural scientists explore use of waste heat from biogas
  • 04.08. The nose leads through the labyrinth: Agricultural nature trail in Berlin
  • 29.07. Ball bath for bristling cattle: Toys improve husbandry conditions
  • 25.07. Ecological corn maze in Frankenhausen on the subject of harvesting technology
  • 12.07. Kassel researchers want to generate energy and strengthen nature at the same time
  • 27.06. Ecological agricultural sciences cooperate with MINT - ambassador region Werra-Meißner district
  • 14.06 7th Farm festival at the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen
  • 27.03. International DAAD-Alumni-Summer School in Witzenhausen: "Applied solar technology in developing countries".
  • 23.03. VDI prize for work science awarded to agricultural technician from Witzenhausen
  • 31.01. Scientific Symposium "Technology of Weed Control
  • 12.12. 18th Witzenhausen Conference: Sales channels in organic farming between values and profitability
  • 10.12. 2010 Claas Foundation Scholarship Award goes to Witzenhausen again
  • 18.11. Theory meets practice: Conference. Learning, evaluating, networking. Cooperation between schools and non-governmental organizations
  • 22.09. Food Culture Award 2010 for sweet cherry project at the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences
  • 13.10. University of Kassel and organic producer associations found research network )
  • 22.09. Witzenhausen graduate Katrin Schiffer awarded the prize of the Scientific Society of Milk Producer Advisors
  • 27.8. 2nd didactic plant labyrinth - a joint educational trail of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Berlin) and the Department of Agricultural Engineering from Witzenhausen )
  • 26.07. The raw material decides: Study on the quality of organic food
  • 23.07. University of Kassel sends visitors on a journey back in time in the maize maze
  • 27.04. Solar technology in developing countries: Uni Kassel Summer School (May 31 to June 8)
  • 26.03. University of Kassel in Witzenhausen appoints Urs Niggli as Honorary professor
  • 16.03. University of Kassel: Symposia "Brown hare" & "Ecological restoration together with agriculture" (March 19 & 20)
  • 08.03. PROGRASS project: Biomass demonstration plant with increased energy yield goes into operation
  • 25.01. The organic farming TOUR on the road for nine days in Baden Württemberg
  • 11.01. The tropical greenhouse at the University of Kassel becomes a place of global learning
  • 06.12 17th Witzenhausen Conference: Moved and successful - a symposium on genetic engineering
  • 24.11 Learning in the labyrinth: UNESCO honors teaching concept at the University of Kassel
  • 19.11 DFG project: "Defense" research against banana weevils and co.
  • 11.11 Journalists' seminar: "Full employment and decent work worldwide - an unattainable millennium goal?"
  • 06.11 Quality of organic agricultural products
  • 04.09 DAAD - Summer School on plant diversity in agriculture and home gardens
  • 27.08 With "RisiKuhLabyRind" also a learning labyrinth developed in Berlin
  • 22.07 University of Kassel tells the agricultural history of Germany - in the Frankenhausen corn maze
  • 23.06 Taking responsibility for fairness together
  • 17.06 25 million euros for university excellence in development cooperation
  • 16.07 New: Introduction of a dual study program in agriculture in Witzenhausen
  • 08.06 University of Kassel opens first university competence center for climate protection and adaptation in Germany
  • 29.05 High up in the rankings: Two Kassel business administration professors
  • 02.04 University of Kassel founds first competence center for climate protection and climate adaptation
  • 26.03 University of Kassel: Three projects in the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
  • 23.03 University of Kassel offers 'Summer School' for participants of the Bonn UN World Conference
  • 04.03 50 graduates from all over the world at the UNISTAFF Forum
  • 06.02 Windpower Workshop in Witzenhausen: Knowledge for all
  • 24.11 "Do you know what you're eating?" - 16th Witzenhausen conference focuses on food processing
    24.11 Bioenergy and nature conservation: €1.6 million for European bioenergy research project
  • 24.10 First "family reunion" of German Humboldtians at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen
  • 23.10 Uni Kassel involved in 1.6 million euro project on soil fertility in organic farming
  • 08.08 Agricultural technology: Solar tank attendant helps avoid battery waste in developing countries, VDI Max Eyth Award goes to Witzenhausen
  • 07/17 Uni Kassel shows "The world in the field" ? An ecological field labyrinth with plants from all over the world
  • 10.07 Alumni associations of the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences merge
  • 01.07 Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel rated outstanding by its students
  • 01.05 Research, innovative technology and plant market on the university campus
  • 01.05 Hands-on university open day
  • 28.02 The third ORGANICagriculTOUR goes to Romania and Bulgaria
  • 14.11 Uni Kassel: Tillage technology avoids erosion
  • 19.10 15th Witzenhausen Conference: "Who feeds the world ?"
  • 01.10 UNIK and Fulda University of Applied Sciences launch joint Master's program on food culture
  • 12.09 ORGANICagriculTOUR with Witzenhausen organic agriculture students now goes to the Baltic States and Poland
  • 11.07 Experimental and demonstration plant for irrigation and solar technology is opened
  • 12.06 UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
  • 04.06 Uni Kassel: Farm festival at the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen on July 1
  • 01.06 Niches in the borderland: the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences on an interdisciplinary excursion to Carinthia and Slovenia
  • 14.03 Leading the way in organic agriculture in Europe - a university goes mobile:
  • 22.01 Faculty of Agriculture successful in setting up businesses
  • 20.12 Combating hunger and poverty: University of Kassel launches research project to improve urban agriculture in western Africa
  • 14.12 Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences (FB 11)
  • 06.12 Grow, change, switch! 14th Witzenhausen Conference from 06.12 to 09.12.2006
  • 23.11 Science Council sees opportunities: Agricultural Department at the University of Kassel remains
  • 14.11 University of Kassel sees good chances for the organic department in Witzenhausen in cooperation with Göttingen
  • 24.10 University of Kassel: The photovoltaic project "solarcampus" is ready to start
  • 19.09 solarcampus: Last chance to invest, construction to start in October
  • 13.09 University of Kassel: Successful founders from the University of Kassel in the start-up competition Promotion Nordhessen
  • 11.08 Professor Ploeger on the board of the International Working Group for Cultural Research on Food
  • 02.08 Tropical greenhouse at the University of Kassel honored: Official UNESCO project "Learning Sustainability"
  • 30.06 UNIK: DFG Research Training Group on humus and nutrient balance in organic farming established
  • 28.06 Universities of Kassel and Göttingen establish transnational professorship
  • 22.06 University of Kassel and Fulda University of Applied Sciences launch joint Master's degree program in Food Culture
  • 19.06 Faculty opposes tuition fees
  • 14.06 University of Kassel Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences organizes exhibition on sweet cherries
  • 03.05 solarcampus|Photovoltaic project of the University of Kassel starts, investors wanted
  • 28.04 UNIK: Second ecological field labyrinth - this time with sound installations
  • 26.04 University of Kassel Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences at the "Witzenhausen Green Week"
  • 19.04 University of Kassel: 25 years of organic agricultural sciences in Witzenhausen
  • 29.03 Witzenhausen Green Week: Department is represented with 2 open days
  • 28.03 25 years of organic farming in Witzenhausen
  • 27.03 The Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences
  • 15.12. 13th Witzenhausen Conference: "Future in the agricultural sector - prospects for students and professionals"
  • 13.10 UNIK: Third Apple Day in Witzenhausen
  • 30.09 UNIK model project: Regional organic food for the school canteen
  • 15.07 Themed tours in the greenhouse for tropical crops in Witzenhausen
  • 15.07 International university development: University of Kassel-Training for Trainers
  • 12.07 The German Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture now Innovation and Service Center of the University of Kassel
  • 03.06 Endowed professorship filled: Ton Baars holds Europe's first professorship for biodynamic agriculture at a university
  • 01.05 First organic agriculture courses successfully accredited
  • 03.03 Garden gnome & samovar - home gardens of the world
  • 22.02 Scientific Conference on Organic Farming 2005 at the University of Kassel
  • 01.05 First organic agriculture courses successfully accredited
  • 25.10 Ecological agricultural sciences at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen have rounded off their profile
  • 29.09 Conference on October 21 and 22 at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen: Food culture - agriculture, nutrition and society
  • 22.10 2nd Apple Day in Witzenhausen
  • 25.10 Ecological agricultural sciences at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen have rounded off their profile
  • 23.01 University of Kassel develops method for analyzing organic and conventional foods
  • 13.10 Food Culture Promotion Award
  • 20.08 Europe's first professorship for biodynamic agriculture at a university
  • 27.07 European workshop for students of organic agriculture
  • 08.12 11.Witzenhausen conference "Meal time -Inspirations for a new quality consciousness", 8.-13.12.2002
  • 12.02 Project "From farmer to energy farmer".
  • 03.12 Nationwide unique professorship for "Organic food quality and nutrition culture".
  • 25.11 10th Witzenhausen Conference: "agrarwende - possibilities for the greening of agriculture".
  • 12.10 Convert or not? (Frankfurter Rundschau 12.10.2001)
  • 21.03 Europe's first and only full course of study in organic farming
  • 20.02 Consistently driving forward the reorientation of agricultural policy

08.12 9th Witzenhausen Conference: "Court Life" at Faculty 11