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03/14/2025 | People at the faculty | Press Release

Professor Maria Finckh new Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources

Scientific Advisory Board for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources is reconstituted. The new chairperson is Professor Maria Finckh from the University of Kassel.

The Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (WBBGR) was reconstituted today for the period 2025 to 2028.

At their meeting, the 18 members of the advisory board elected Professor Maria Finckh from the University of Kassel as the new chair. Professor Jana Zscheischler from the University of Vechta and Professor Inga Schleip from the University for Sustainable Development were elected as deputies.

Over the next few months, the committee will focus on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and the EU Restoration Regulation.

The WBBGR advises the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL ) on issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in particular genetic resources for food, agriculture and forestry. It makes recommendations on how biodiversity and genetic resources can be taken into account in relation to food security, environmental and resource protection and adaptation to climate change. The topics covered range from the design of the Common Agricultural Policy to recommendations for activating consumers to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and genetic resources.