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Summer party of the department

- For students, employees, alumni of the department and their relatives -.

After a break of three years, this year's summer party of the department will start at7 p.m. in the Unipark in Steinstraße.

Culinarily the summer celebration stands under the slogan, everything from the grill: There will be Bratwürste of the domain Frankenhausen and Fahrenburger (of property Fahrenbach) and also for vegan homemade Burger is provided. A highlight are the dishes of the international students. Coffee and cake may not be missing, of course.

You can also look forward to liquid food in the form of Schinkels beer, wine and cocktails as well as non-alcoholic drinks.  

From 20h plays for us brass & Schwefel in the Unipark and from 22 puts DJ Daveed in the Zeichensaal downtempo and electro-swing. From about 24h it continues  with another DJ in the club...

The Fachschaft organizes common games in the Uni-Park.

The festival is organized jointly  by the dean's office, the student council, Löla e.V., the departments of animal nutrition/animal health and farm animal ethology/animal husbandry.

See you!

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