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FÖL at the 16th wita
- Morten Möller, Miriam Athmann, Christian Bruns, Long-term experiment on livestock-less farm systems in organic farming, Poster in P 00.1: Future-oriented systems, 08.03.2023, 12:45 - 12:54, Room Lausanne - Johanna Hoppe, Anke Hupe, Miriam Athmann, Praxisforschungsnetzwerk Hessen - Fachgruppe Ackerbau: Zwischenfruchtumbruch und Stickstoffkreislauf, Poster in P 00.6: Praxisforschungsnetzwerke, 08.03.2023, 12:54 - 13:03, Room Eurre - Margita Hefner, Sustainable intensive cropping system improves soil quality in organic vegetable production, presentation in V 04.2: Improving soil quality, 09.03.2023, 10:30 - 12:00, Room Frankfurt - Thorsten Michaelis: Workshop W 01.6 Transformation barriers for more sustainable food systems - new or old acquaintances of organic farming?, 09.03.2023: 13:30 - 15:00, Room Eurre - Frauke Deerberg, Sebastian Zublewitz, Jürgen Heß: Workshop W 03.3 Shit happens- also in laying hen runs, 09.03.2023, 17:30 - 19:00, Room Wien - Verena Jalane, Christian Bruns, Nitrogen efficiency and nitrogen supply costs of clover grass transfer fertilisers, presentation in V 05.2c: Nitrogen efficiency, 09.03.2023, 17:30 - 19:00, Room Frankfurt - Thorsten Michaelis: Workshop W 03.7 What creates v(V)ertrust? Training with a difference, 09.03.2023, 17:30 - 19:00, Room Oberwil