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Open-air cinema "The Measured Man".

125 years ago the colonial school in Witzenhausen was founded in the old monastery building - reason for us as Partnership for Democracy in the WMK to talk again about the responsibility we all have when it comes to remembering and commemorating. The question of what was and what has become of it moves us as an initiative on the ground, which is regionally committed to democracy education and extremism prevention with funds from the federal program "Live Democracy!".

As part of the working group "Witzenhausen and colonialism 1898/2023- from colonial past to present responsibility" we therefore cordially invite you to the following cooperation event with the Capitol cinema Witzenhausen on 28.7.2023:

Conversation from 20.30hrs (before the film).

Welcome by Christian Hülsebusch (DITSL), the Partnership for Democracy and the Capitol Kino- moderation will be done by Ibrahim Klingeberg-Behr;

Mayor Daniel Herz and the mayoral candidates Gardis von Gersdorff, Fiona Wollermann and Lukas Sittel are invited to a short discussion on the municipal responsibility of a local reappraisal.

We also look forward to a critical contribution from Awet Tesfaiesus, member of the Bundestag, in which she addresses current controversies surrounding the feature film.

Starting at 9pm, the film "Der vermessene Mensch" by Lars Kraume will be shown in the courtyard of the former colonial school, now the Department of Ecological Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel.

[ Click here for tickets ]

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