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Innovation Day Organic Farming: Digitalization as help or assistance! Digitization?

Innovation Day Organic Farming:Digitalization as help or aid! Digitalization?


Lower producer prices, rising costs and consumer demands - many organic farms are under massive economic and social pressure. Digital innovations can help here - but which ones? What requirements for digitalization arise from the value system of organic farming? Can digital tools help to further optimize animal welfare? Do site-specific fertilizer application maps promise a more productive use of scarce resources? What do the changes mean overall for the agricultural workplace? And who will benefit in the end?


The DigiPlus project invites you to the Innovation Day Organic Farming on 24 May at the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen to present current developments in the field of digitalization in organic farming. We will be presenting organic-specific innovations in the field and barn and would like to hear your opinion on them. There will be demonstrations of quality-oriented forage harvesting, electric drive technology for horticulture, robots for fence maintenance and selective insect control, as well as demonstrations and advice on sensor technology (soil, weather, forage and grain storage). We will also be offering two guided tours accompanied by experts.

At the end, we want to hold a panel discussion with farmers and other experts from practice and science to discuss what technology makes sense, what applications farmers really need and what they are missing. 


When: 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.



10.00 a.m. Welcome

10.15 a.m. Start of tour group I

12.15 p.m. Start of tour group II

14.00 hrs Panel discussion


Venue: Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, Frankenhausen 2, 34393 Grebenstein. For navigation devices: Place Grebenstein, Street: Frankenhausen


Registration and bus transfer from Witzenhausen

We look forward to welcoming many visitors and ask you to register without obligation by May 17 so that we can better plan the catering: anmeldung-digiplus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de You are also welcome to let us know which tour you would like to register for. There will also be a bus transfer from Witzenhausen to Frankenhausen, for which you can also register at anmeldung-digiplus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.


Background: DigiPlus is a research project of the University of Kassel in cooperation with the FarmerSpace Göttingen experimental field and the Frankenhausen domain and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Further information can be found at:

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