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Frankenhausen expert talks: Fertilize efficiently, farm sustainably

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Frankenhausen expert talks: Fertilize efficiently, farm sustainably



March 20, 2025, 16:00-18:00



Hessian state domain Frankenhausen, 34393 Grebenstein


What is it about?

Efficient and sustainable fertilization is essential for farms. It promotes soil fertility, ensures stable yields and must be applied with a high degree of efficiency for both ecological and economic reasons. While nutrients are added in a targeted manner for optimum yields and quality in conventional farming, organic farming tends to use nutrients that act slowly via the soil.

Which proven and new methods lead to higher yields in organic farming? What technical innovations and requirements are necessary to use farm manure particularly efficiently - are there promising combinations with purchased fertilizers? How can the supply of nutrients be organized in such a way that it both builds up the soil and protects the environment and climate? How can nutrient cycles be optimized and losses minimized?

We will discuss these and other questions together with farmers, advisors and scientists. This time, Katharina Matull (consultant, Naturland), Morten Möller (research assistant, University of Kassel) and Thomas Bouwmann (farm manager, Gut Winterbüren) will provide input. The moderator will be Christian Bruns, University of Kassel.


For whom?

All farmers, consultants, scientists, students and interested parties who are committed to sustainable agriculture. Participation is free of charge, but we ask you to register in advance so that we can better plan catering: anmeldung[at]agrar.uni-kassel[dot]de


Frankenhausen expert talks

In the Frankenhäuser Fachgespräche series of events, farmers, scientists and consultants present their perspectives on current challenges in organic farming. We invite you to the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, the teaching, research and transfer center for organic agriculture and regional development of the University of Kassel. Here, on over 320 hectares, research is carried out on future concepts for crop cultivation, animal husbandry, biodiversity promotion and resource management - in commercial operations as well as with long-term trials and practical research networks.

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