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Strengthening prospects for walnut production in Germany

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9th meeting of German walnut growers / Event in the NuPiWi project of the University of Kassel

A varied program of the joint event of IG Nuss - Section Fruit and the Department of Organic Agriculture and Plant Production of the University of Kassel offers impulses and opportunities for discussion on quality management in the warehouse, the problem of walnut fruit flies, nut trees in agroforestry systems for climate adaptation and the possibilities of strengthening nut production through knowledge transfer. There will also be a separate session with an exchange of experiences and advice for newcomers to walnut cultivation.

In an exciting excursion to the Northwest German Forest Research Institute, a "flowering ladder" with different walnut varieties will be shown and the application of a scoring method will be made possible.

The day will end with a dinner in "Schinkel's Backhaus" with a varied hot buffet and regional drinks.

You are cordially invited to experience an intensive exchange of knowledge with walnut farmers and experts committed to walnut cultivation in the beautiful cherry town of Witzenhausen.

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