Submission of documents

Please make an appointment for submission of your documents for the opening of the main doctoral procedure. The following documents are required:


  • 6 hard copies of the dissertation, each dissertation has to include a completely filled out declaration (2021_07_14)
  • 6 soft copies of CD-ROM or USB flash drive (labeled with your name on the outside)
  • 1 additional copy of the cover sheet
  • Fully completed Application for doctoral evaluation procedure

Cumulative dissertation:

  • 7 hard copies of the dissertation, each dissertation has to include a completely filled out declaration (2021_07_14)
  • completely filled out declaration cumulative dissertation
    It is ok when you have the scanned signature of the co-authors in the declaration for cumulative dissertation.
  • 7 soft copies of CD-ROM or USB flash drive (labeled with your name on the outside)
  • 1 additional copy of the cover sheet
  • Fully completed application for the opening of the main doctoral procedure

Ring binding of the dissertation is not permitted. All forms must contain the original signature. A scanned or copied signature is not permitted (exception see above cumulative dissertation, co-authors). Incomplete documents cannot be processed. The proposal for the doctoral commission is usually submitted by the supervisor using a form. The co-authors must be labelled.



Contact us

Resmitha Schäfer

Student Office, PhD Secreteriat, Room administration

Steinstraße 19
37213 Witzenhausen
WIZ, ehem. Kloster, Raum 1103
Consultation Hours

Monday + Tuesday 09:00 am - 11:30 am
Tuesday (even Calendar weeks home office) 09:00 am – 11:30 am

Wednesday 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
Thursday 11:00 Uhr am - 11:30 am
Friday 09:00 am - 11:30 am

Personal appointments possible by appointment only!