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Biodynamic agriculture has always played an important pioneering role in the development of sustainable farming systems. Among the main forms of agriculture currently practised, biodynamic agriculture consistently pursues the concept of the agricultural farm organism with the living elements of soil, plants, animals and humans in the agricultural ecosystem. In practice, biodynamic agriculture shows best practice examples of organic farming in many areas. A high proportion of the winners of the Federal Organic Farming Competition of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture over the past 20 years have been biodynamic farms in particular (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture 2020). Biodynamic agriculture is thus a pioneer in areas such as farm communities including CSAs (community supported agriculture) and social farming, in soil fertility with regard to composting and active nutrient mobilization and a farm organism that is as closed as possible, in the breeding of own varieties (cereals and vegetables) for organic farming, in the area of animal welfare (mother-bonded calf rearing and brother roosters), the focus on food quality and in the training of young people for practical application.
Long-term trials show, among other things, that biodiversity is highest on biodynamically farmed land (Mäader et al 2002).
Teaching and research on biodynamic agriculture at the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences was initiated by many Witzenhausen students and has been represented in various forms at Department 11 of the University of Kassel for more than 20 years. The Biodynamic Agriculture working group in its current form was founded in 2012
The Biodynamic Agriculture Working Group offers various elective subjects in the Msc. and Bsc. The working group offers both an introduction to and further in-depth study of topics from biodynamic agriculture and scientific research in various electives on the Msc. and Bsc. degree courses. The focus of the two coordinators is different and thus covers a wide range of biodynamic agriculture: Dr. Jürgen Fritz's focus is on studies with biodynamic preparations, soil, plant and image-creating methods, plant breeding, while Dr. Daniel Kusche's focus is on studies on organic milk quality, the differentiation of milk from different origins, sensory analysis and the compatibility of raw milk. As well as the topic of the organic farm effect and one-health. In terms of research topics and teaching, both coordinators focus on food quality and thus combine the areas of soil, plant cultivation and animal husbandry with a focus on human health and resilience, including through nutrition and lifestyle.
Since 2020, the group has been supported by Dr. Heberto Rodas with studies on composting and the influence of biodynamic preparations on soil properties.
In teaching, we attach particular importance to an active exchange with students at eye level, the discussion of current research results, insights into practice and a critical examination of the basics of biodynamic agriculture. Project work and final theses can be carried out with us. Please contact us if you have your own ideas and impulses for final theses or project work and other projects in our subject area or the broader field of biodynamic agriculture.
In the module Knowledge Processes and Cultural Landscape Development, in cooperation with Dr. Thomas van Elsen, the basics of knowledge processes are developed using texts and practical examples, among other things, and the theory U is presented and applied as a communication tool in various exercises.
An integral part of the course are excursions lasting several days to biodynamic farms and to processors, breeders and research institutions.
We try to reflect the wider diversity of biodynamic agriculture (biodynamic viticulture, cooperative farm communities, etc.) as well as current topics (e.g. CRISPR CAS genetic engineering) through regular guest lectures and small workshops by external lecturers and integrate them into the teaching.
Mäder P, Fliessbach A, Dubois D, Gunst L, Fried P, Niggli U. Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming. Science. 2002;296:1694-7.
Dr. Jürgen Fritz
Dr. Daniel Kusche
Dr. Heberto Rodas
Contact and address:
University of Kassel
Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences
Department of Organic Agriculture and Crop Production
Nordbahnhofstr. 1a
37213 Witzenhausen
+49 5542 98-1565
+49 5542 98-1568
Email: foel@uni-kassel.de