Modul "Verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmensführung im Agrifood-Sektor"

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B.Sc. Organic Agriculture

Teaching content

  • Theoretical-conceptual perspectives on the management of organizations;
  • Management, organizations and governance;
  • Globalization and the management of international corporate activities;
  • Collaborative management and interest-based processes in corporate governance;
  • Design of corporate strategies and management practices in the economic, technical and social context of the agrifood sector;
  • Management systems, concepts and tools for responsible and sustainable corporate governance (functional areas, problems and challenges);
  • Comparative, international studies on sustainable corporate governance.

Learning objectives

The goals of the event are to,

  • to be able to critically reflect on the social role of companies (including their change over time);
  • to convey what characterizes business thinking and acting and which problems and approaches to solutions exist;
  • to be able to analyze socially relevant economic problems in an inter-/multidisciplinary way;
  • to be able to classify selected current management practices.

Teaching form

Lecture 30h, Seminar 30h

Proof of performance

Presentation 50%, technical discussion 50%

More information

  • see examination regulations (e.g. usability, student workload)
  • see Moodle (e.g. room, time)