Breeding efficiency, yield performance and adaption of maize populations in different environments (organic, conventional) and development of a new maize population for science, breeding and practical agriculture
In cooperation with Dottenfelderhof Research & Breeding; Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Naturland e.V., Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz, Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen and Bundessortenamt.
The aim is to test efficient selection methods as well as the performance and adaptation potential of maize populations in order to contribute to the development of varieties suitable for organic cultivation on the regional and farm level.
The project compares four breeding methods used to improve the performance of population varieties in two very differently structured populations:
- positive mass selection with and without removing the male inflorescence,
- the S2 line selection and
- recurrent haploid selection
In addition, the performance of maize populations under both conventional and organic farming conditions will be assessed and the adaptability of maize populations to different locations depending on their genetic width will be determined.
A genetically broad population for science, breeding and cultivation, based on current breeding progress, will be established.
Videos (German language only)
- Movie 1: Maispopulationen – natürlich und wertvoll [Maize populations - both natural and valuable] (Youtube) (opens in a new window)
- Movie 2: Anbau und Saatgutgewinnung von Maispopulationen [Cultivation and seed production of Maize populations] (Youtube) (opens in a new window)
- Movie 3: Züchtung von Maispopulationen [Breeding of Maize populations] (Youtube) (opens in a new window)
- Synopsis of movie 1 (Youtube) (opens in a new window)
- Synopsis of movie 2 (Youtube) (opens in a new window)
- Synopsis of movie 3 (Youtube) (opens in a new window)