
Student pro­ject works and the­ses

Are you looking for the opportunity to write a student project, bachelor or master thesis at the OPB section?

Student pro­ject works and the­ses: Read More

Bachelor's degree programme "Ökologische Landwirtschaft" (Organic farming)

(in German language only)

G18Biologie der Pflanze und Übungen (Biology of plants and tutorials)
Course unit: Botany
Systematics and anatomy of crops, identification exercises
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
1st/2nd (SuSe)
G21Pflan­ze­ner­näh­rung, Pflan­zen­züch­tung (Plant nutrition, plant breeding)
Course unit: Plant breeding
Principles and fundamental understanding of plant breeding
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. R. Jörgensen
3rd/4th (SuSe)
H22Regulation der Agrarbiozönosen (Regulation of agro-biocoenoses)
Course unit: Organic plant breeding
Methodology of ( organic ) plant breeding, goals and means of organic plant breeding
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. M. R. Finckh
3rd−­6th (SuSe)
H35Agro-Gentechnik (Genetic engineering in Agriculture)
Course unit: Genetic engineering in general and genetic engineering of plants
Fundamental procedures, the application of procedures including ethical and legal frameworks
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. G. Backes
3rd−­6th (WiSe)
H94Gemüse: Anbautechnik und Züchtung (Vegetables: cultivation techniques and breeding)
Course unit: Seed production and breeding
Course responsible: S. Kretschmer
3rd−­6th (WiSe)

Master's degree programme "Ökologische Landwirtschaft" (Organic farming)

(in German language only)

L13Angewandte Methoden der Pflanzenzüchtung (Applied methods in plant breeding)
Methodology course (6 Credits)
Applied methods in plant breeding (crossing, selection) and breeding research (linkage analysis, QTL analysis).
Lectures, laboratory exercises, excursions
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. G. Backes
L30Vegetation und Standort (Vegetation and habitat)
Mandatory course (6 Credits)
Cartography and assessment of habitats on the basis of vegetation; development concepts, measurements
Lectures, biotope assessments, diaspora analysis
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
L32Ökologische Pflanzenzüchtung (Organic plant breeding)
Mandatory course (6 Credits)
Principles of plant breeding for organic farming: aims and methods, case studies on selected crops
Lectures, laboratory exercises, contributions from breeders
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. G. Backes

Master's degree programme "Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA)"

P07Soil and Plant Sciences
Compulsary module (6 Credits)
Course unit: Plant breeding
Basics, domestication, genetic resources, breeding methods
Course responsible: Dr. H. Saucke
P13Agrobiodiversity and plant genetic resources in the tropics
Mandatory module (6 Credits)
The role of agrobiodiversity in tropical agro-ecosystems, their analysis and conservation strategies
Course responsible: Prof. Dr. G. Backes

Courses on "Aktuelle Themen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis" (Current topics from science and practice)

(in German language only)

(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Anbau von Obstgehölzen, Veredelung
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Bewirtschaftung bäuerlichen Waldbesitzes
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Gehölzbestimmung im Sommerzustand
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Gehölzbestimmung im Winterzustand
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Pflanzenmikroskopische Übungen
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
Geobotanische Übungen
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: Dr. H. Hofmann
(1 Credit)
Course responsible: C. Merx, Prof. Dr. G. Backes