Dr Hubertus Hofmann
Teaching staff for special tasks
- Location
- Universität Kassel
Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Fachgebiet OBP
Nordbahnhofstraße 1a
37213 Witzenhausen
- Room
- New office, lab and lecture hall build (3190), +1108
Brief introduction
For more than 20 years, Hubertus Hofmann has been active in university teaching - mainly in the fields of botany and geobotany (with various exercises) as well as in dendrology. Due to his scientific training and work in more advanced subject areas, he also teaches in the areas of bioenergy, forestry, fruit growing and landscape water management. In addition to supervising work in the aforementioned areas, he also covers topics such as climate protection/climate change, post-mining landscapes and waste management issues. He is particularly concerned with succession developments of vegetation on different sites and their significance for the respective ecosystem, also in the context of climate change. - The use and utilisation of woody biomass in rural regions as well as sustainable management systems and utilisation options for farms are also in the focus.
Bachelor's degree programme:
- G18 – Biologie der Pflanze [Biology of plants]
Master's degree programme:
- L30 – Vegetation und Standort [Vegetation and habitat]
Bachelor's and Master's degree programme:
- W – Agrarmeterorologie/Landschaftswasserhaushalt [Agro-metorology/Landscape water balance]
- W – Anbau von Obstgehölzen, Veredelung [Cultivation of fruit trees, grafting]
- W – Bewirtschaftung bäuerlichen Waldbesitzes [Management of peasant forest holdings]
- W – Gehölzbestimmung im Sommerzustand [Identification of woody plants in summer condition]
- W – Gehölzbestimmung im Winterzustand [Identification of woody plants in winter condition]
- W – Geobotanische Übungen [Geobotanical tutorials]