Project work

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In the Master's program, a project must be completed in accordance with the examination regulations.
In addition to the modules, the project work should introduce the students to interdisciplinary scientific work on a problem. The project is an independent examination performance and comprises 12 credits (i.e. 360h of work). It must be interdisciplinary, i.e. it must be supervised by at least two lecturers from different subject areas, and it must usually be taken as a group project in order to enable a broader treatment of a topic and to practice key qualifications such as teamwork and communication.
In individual cases, in consultation with the module coordinators, certificates of achievement for modules can be provided in the form of further project work.

General notes

  • Basic idea: In project work, students should be introduced to research-based learning and learn problem-oriented, interdisciplinary procedures. Furthermore, key qualifications such as communication, taking responsibility, networked thinking and the ability to work in a team should be trained. Therefore, projects are not pure literature studies, but have an empirical or experimental part.
  • Supervision: Projects require intensive supervision. The topic, the number of participants, the structure, the time schedule, a time limit and the expected number of pages must be clarified with the supervisor in advance. It is advisable to conclude a joint agreement.
  • Presentation: As a rule, project work should be presented publicly as proof of achievement for a module or sub-module.
  • Grading: The grading is done by both examiners. In the case of group work, differentiated grading will take place.
  • Scope: A project paper should cover all essential aspects of the issues arising from the topic. As a rule, a maximum of 50 pages of text should suffice for 12 credits.

Application for project funds

  • Beantragung von Mitteln für Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten / Application for support of project and thesis work

Further references: Bald C., Schimpf E. 1997: Leitfaden für Projektarbeiten. Schriftenreihe Modellversuch Ökologischer Landbau. University Library. Kassel

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