Prof. Dr. Fenja Klevenhusen

Fachgebietsleitung (Umweltverträgliche Tierernährung)

Nordbahnhofstraße 1a
37213 Witzenhausen

Publikationen  (Prof. Dr. Fenja Klevenhusen)


Engel, A.M., El-Khatib, A.H., Bachmann, M., Wensch-Dorendorf, M., Klevenhusen, F., Weigel, S., Pieper, R., Zeyner, A., 2025. Release of Hypoglycin A from Hypoglycin B and Decrease of Hypoglycin A and Methylene Cyclopropyl Glycine Concentrations in Ruminal Fluid Batch Cultures. Toxins 17, 46.


Krieger, M., Haider, F., Scharch, C., Klevenhusen, F., Hinrichs, D., 2024. Mastleistungen von Zweinutzungshähnen bei einer 100% Bio-Fütterung mit erhöhtem Luzerneblattanteil, in: Bruder, V., Gattinger, A. (Eds.), Landwirtschaft Und Ernährung - Transformation Macht Nur Gemeinsam Sinn : Tagungsband Zur 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 5. Bis 8. März 2024 Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 319–320.
Hartinger, T., Pacífico, C., Sener-Aydemir, A., Poier, G., Kreuzer-Redmer, S., Terler, G., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2024. Dietary carbohydrate sources differently prime the microbial ecosystem but not the epithelial gene expression profile along the complete gut of young calves. Animal Microbiome 6, TBD.
Klevenhusen, F., These, A., Weiß, K., Gusovius, H.-J., Pieper, R., 2024. Ensiling conditions and changes of cannabinoidconcentration in industrial hemp. Archives of Animal Nutrition TBD.
Zhang, X., Klevenhusen, F., Sünder, A., Clauss, M., Hummel, J., 2024. Inoculum microbial mass is negatively related to microbial yield and positively to methane yield in vitro. Journal of Nutritional Science 13, 1–9.


Engel, A.M., El-Khatib, A.H., Klevenhusen, F., Weiss, M., Aboling, S., Sachse, B., Schäfer, B., Weigel, S., Pieper, R., Fischer-Tenhagen, C., 2023. Detection of Hypoglycin A and MCPrG Metabolites in the Milk and Urine of Pasture Dairy Cows after Intake of Sycamore Seedlings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71, 10751–10760.
Terler, G., Velik, M., Poier, G., Sener-Aydemir, A., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2023. Feeding concentrate with hay of different qualities modulates rumen histology, development of digestive tract as well as slaughter performance and meat quality of young dairy calves. Archives of Animal Nutrition 77, 171–186.


Taenzer, J., Gehling, M., Klevenhusen, F., Winkler, J., Dänicke, S., These, A., 2022. Rumen Metabolism of Senecio Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids May Explain Why Cattle Tolerate Higher Doses Than Monogastric Species. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70, 10111–10120.
Klevenhusen, F., These, A., Taenzer, J., Weiß, K., Pieper, R., 2022. Effects of ensiling conditions on pyrrolizidine alkaloid degradation in silages mixed with two different Senecio spp. Archives of Animal Nutrition 76, 93–111.
Hartinger, T., Pacífico, C., Poier, G., Teler, G., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2022. Shift of dietary carbohydrate source from milk to various solid feeds reshapes the rumen and fecal microbiome in calves. Scientific reports 12, 12383.
Engel, A.M., Klevenhusen, F., Mönning, J.-L., Numata, J., Fischer-Tenhagen, C., Sachse, B., Schäfer, B., Fry, H., Kappenstein, O., Pieper, R., 2022. Investigations on the Transfer of Quinolizidine Alkaloids from Lupinus angustifolius into the Milk of Dairy Cows. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70, 11749–11758.
Poier, G., Terler, G., Sharma, S., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2022. Replacing concentrates with a high-quality hay in the starter feed of dairy calves: II. Effects on the development of chewing and gut fermentation, and selected systemic health variables. Journal of Dairy Science 105, 3113–3128.
Terler, G., Poier, G., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2022. Replacing concentrates with a high-quality hay in the starter feed in dairy calves: I. Effects on nutrient intake, growth performance, and blood metabolic profile. Journal of Dairy Science 105, 2326–2342.


Koch, F., Kowalczyk, J., Wagner, B., Klevenhusen, F., Schenkel, H., Lahrssen-Wiederholt, M., Pieper, R., 2021. Chemical analysis of materials used in pig housing with respect to the safety of products of animal origin. Animal 15, 100319.
Klevenhusen, F., Südekum, K.-H., Breves, G., Kolrep, F., Kietzmann, M., Gerletti, P., Numata, J., Spolders, M., Pieper, R., Kowalczyk, J., 2021. Predicting the Transfer of Contaminants in Ruminants by Models - Potentials and Challenges. Alternatives to Animal Experimentation.
Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2021. A review on the potentials of using feeds rich in water-soluble carbohydrates to enhance rumen health and sustainability of dairy cattle production. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.


Khiaosa-ard, R., Kleefisch, M.T., Zebeli, Q., Klevenhusen, F., 2020. Milk fatty acid composition reflects metabolic adaptation of early lactation cows fed hay rich in water-soluble carbohydrates with or without concentrates. Animal Feed Science and Technology 264, 114470.


Petri, R., Mickdam, E., Klevenhusen, F., Beyer, B., Zebeli, Q., 2019. Effects of the supplementation of plant-based formulations on microbial fermentation and predicted metabolic function in vitro. Anaerobe 57, 19–27.
Sarnataro, C., Petri, R., Spanghero, M., Zebeli, Q., Klevenhusen, F., 2019. A nutritional and rumen ecological evaluation of the biorefinery by-product alfalfa silage cake supplemented with Scrophularia striata extract using the rumen simulation technique. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99, 4414–4422.
Klevenhusen, F., Emsenhuber, C., Grausgruber, H., Petri, R., 2019. Effects of the orange lemma (rob1) mutant line of barley cv. "Optic’ compared with its wild-type on the ruminal microbiome and fermentation tested with the rumen simulation technique. Crop & Pasture Science 70, 789–799.
Klevenhusen, F., Pieper, R., Winter, J., Ronczka, S., Speer, K., 2019. Stability of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Senecio vernalis in grass silage under different ensilage conditions. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99, 6649–6654.
Klevenhusen, F., Kleefisch, M.T., Zebeli, Q., 2019. Feeding hay rich in water-soluble carbohydrates improves ruminal pH without affecting rumination and systemic health in early lactation dairy cows. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 103, 466–476.
Petri, R., Münnich, M., Zebeli, Q., Klevenhusen, F., 2019. Graded replacement of corn grain with molassed sugar beet pulp modulates the fecal microbial community and hindgut fermentation profile in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 102, 5019–5030.


Münnich, M., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2018. Feeding of molassed sugar beet pulp instead of maize enhances net food production of high-producing Simmental cows without impairing metabolic health. Animal Feed Science and Technology 241, 75–83.
Varzaneh, M. bagheri, Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., Petri, R., 2018. Scrophularia striata Extract Supports Rumen Fermentation and Improves Microbial Diversity in vitro Compared to Monensin. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2164.
Kleefisch, M.T., Zebeli, Q., Humer, E., Gruber, L., Klevenhusen, F., 2018. Effects of feeding high-quality hay with graded amounts of concentrate on feed intake, performance and blood metabolites of cows in early lactation. Archives of Animal Nutrition 72, 290–307.
Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Haselmann, A., Klevenhusen, F., Knaus, W., Zebeli, Q., 2018. Lactic acid treatment of by-products and phosphorus level in the diet modulate bacterial microbiome and the predicted metagenome functions using the rumen simulation technique. Journal of Dairy Science 101, 9800–9814.
Münnich, M., Khol-Parisini, A., Klevenhusen, F., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Zebeli, Q., 2018. Graded replacement of maize grain with molassed sugar beet pulp modulated ruminal microbial community and fermentation profile in vitro. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98, 991–997.
Humer, E., Aditya, S., Kaltenegger, A., Klevenhusen, F., Petri, R., Zebeli, Q., 2018. Graded substitution of grains with bakery by-products modulates ruminal fermentation, nutrient degradation, and microbial community composition in vitro. Journal of Dairy Science 101, 3085–3098.
Petri, R., Pourazad, P., Khiaosa-ard, R., Klevenhusen, F., 2018. Temporal dynamics of in-situ fiber-adherent bacterial community under ruminal acidotic conditions determined by 16S rRNA gene profiling (vol 12, e0182271, 2017). PLOS ONE 13, e0204600.
Petri, R., Kleefisch, M.T., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Zebeli, Q., Klevenhusen, F., 2018. Changes in the Rumen Epithelial Microbiota of Cattle and Host Gene Expression in Response to Alterations in Dietary Carbohydrate Composition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84, e00384–18.


Kleefisch, M.T., Zebeli, Q., Humer, E., Kröger, I., Ertl, P., Klevenhusen, F., 2017. Effects of the replacement of concentrate and fibre-rich hay by high-quality hay on chewing, rumination and nutrient digestibility in non-lactating Holstein cows. Archives of Animal Nutrition 71, 21–36.
Münnich, M., Khiaosa-ard, R., Klevenhusen, F., Hilpold, A., Khol-Parisini, A., Zebeli, Q., 2017. A meta-analysis of feeding sugar beet pulp in dairy cows: Effects on feed intake, ruminal fermentation, performance, and net food production. Animal Feed Science and Technology 224, 78–89.
Klevenhusen, F., Petri, R., Kleefisch, M.T., Khiaosa-ard, R., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Zebeli, Q., 2017. Changes in fibre-adherent and fluid-associated microbial communities and fermentation profiles in the rumen of cattle fed diets differing in hay quality and concentrate amount. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93, fix100.
Qumar, M., Khiaosa-ard, R., Klevenhusen, F., Plaizier, J.C., 2017. Gastrointestinal endotoxin and metabolic responses in cows fed and recovered from two different grain-rich challenges. Livestock Science 203, 120–123.
Pourazad, P., Khiaosa-ard, R., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2017. Restoration of in situ fiber degradation and the role of fibrolytic microbes and ruminal pH in cows fed grain-rich diets transiently or continuously. Animal 11, 2193–2202.
Petri, R., Pourazad, P., Khiaosa-ard, R., Klevenhusen, F., 2017. Temporal dynamics of in-situ fiber-adherent bacterial community under ruminal acidotic conditions determined by 16S rRNA gene profiling. PLOS ONE 12, e0182271.
Krieger, M., Haider, F., Klevenhusen, F., Hinrichs, D., 2017. Gewichtszunahme von Zweinutzungshähnen bei einer 100% Bio-Fütterung mit 20% Luzerneblattmehl (V), in: Bruder, V., Gattinger, A. (Eds.), Landwirtschaft Und Ernährung - Transformation Macht Nur Gemeinsam Sinn : Tagungsband Zur 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 5. Bis 8. März 2024 FiBL Deutschland e.V., Frankfurt am Main, pp. 319–320.


Mickdam, E., Khiaosa-ard, R., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Klevenhusen, F., Chizzola, R., Zebeli, Q., 2016. Rumen microbial abundance and fermentation profile during severe subacute ruminal acidosis and its modulation by plant derived alkaloids in vitro. Anaerobe 39, 4–13.
Qumar, M., Khiaosa-ard, R., Pourazad, P., Urimare Wetzels, S., Klevenhusen, F., Kandler, W., Aschenbach, J.R., Zebeli, Q., 2016. Evidence of In Vivo Absorption of Lactate and Modulation of Short Chain Fatty Acid Absorption from the Reticulorumen of Non-Lactating Cattle Fed High Concentrate Diets. PLOS ONE 11, e0164192.
Pourazad, P., Khiaosa-ard, R., Qumar, M., Wtztels, S., Klevenhusen, F., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Zebeli, Q., 2016. Transient feeding of a concentrate-rich diet increases the severity of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cattle. Journal of Animal Science 94, 726–738.
Urimare Wetzels, S., Selberherr, E., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Pourazad, P., Klevenhusen, F., Qumar, M., Conrady, B., Wagner, M., Zebeli, Q., Schmitz-Esser, S., 2016. Epimural Indicator Phylotypes of Transiently-Induced Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cattle. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 274.


Klevenhusen, F., Humer, E., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Podstatzky, L., Wittek, T., Zebeli, Q., 2015. Metabolic Profile and Inflammatory Responses in Dairy Cows with Left Displaced Abomasum Kept under Small-Scaled Farm Conditions. Animals 5, 1021–1033.
Klevenhusen, F., Deckardt, K., Sızmaz, Ö., Wimmer, S., Muro-Reyes, A., Khiaosa-ard, R., Chizzola, R., Zebeli, Q., 2015. Effects of black seed oil and Ferula elaeochytris supplementation on ruminal fermentation as tested in vitro with the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Animal Production Science 55, 736–744.
Ertl, P., Knaus, W., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Klevenhusen, F., 2015. Substitution of common concentrates with by-products modulated ruminal fermentation, nutrient degradation, and microbial community composition in vitro. Journal of Dairy Science 98, 4762–4771.
Khorrami, B., Vakili, A., Mesgaran, M.D., Klevenhusen, F., 2015. Thyme and cinnamon essential oils: Potential alternatives for monensin as a rumen modifier in beef production systems. Animal Feed Science and Technology 200, 8–16.
Urimare Wetzels, S., Selberherr, E., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Wagner, M., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., Schmitz-Esser, S., 2015. Pyrosequencing reveals shifts in the bacterial epimural community relative to dietary concentrate amount in goats. Journal of Dairy Science 98, 5572–5587.
Harder, H., Khol-Parisini, A., Metzler-Zebeli, B., Klevenhusen, F., Zebeli, Q., 2015. Treatment of grain with organic acids at 2 different dietary phosphorus levels modulates ruminal microbial community structure and fermentation patterns in vitro. Journal of Dairy Science 98, 8107–8120.


Klevenhusen, F., Pourazad, P., Urimare Wetzels, S., Qumar, M., 2014. Technical note: Evaluation of a real-time wireless pH measurement system relative to intraruminal differences of digesta in dairy cattle. Journal of Animal Science 92, 5635–5639.


Klevenhusen, F., Hollmann, M., Podstatzky, L., Krametter-Frötscher, R., Aschenbach, J.R., Zebeli, Q., 2013. Feeding barley grain-rich diets altered electrophysiological properties and permeability of the ruminal wall in a goat model. Journal of Dairy Science 96, 2293–2302.
Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Schmitz-Esser, S., Klevenhusen, F., Podstatzky, L., Wagner, M., Zebeli, Q., 2013. Grain-rich diets differently alter ruminal and colonic abundance of microbial populations and lipopolysaccharide in goats. Anaerobe 20, 65–73.


Richter, E.K., Spangenberg, J., Klevenhusen, F., Soliva, C.R., 2012. Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of c9,t11-Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Cow’s Milk as Related to Dietary Fatty Acids. Lipids 47, 161–169.
Klevenhusen, F., Muro-Reyes, A., Khiaosa-ard, R., Metzler-Zebeli, B., U., Zebeli, Q., 2012. A meta-analysis of effects of chemical composition of incubated diet and bioactive compounds on in vitro ruminal fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology 176, 61–69.
Zebeli, Q., Klevenhusen, F., Drochner, W., 2012. Characterisation of particle dynamics and turnover in the gastrointestinal tract of Holstein cows fed forage diets differing in fibre and protein contents. Archives of Animal Nutrition 66, 372–384.


Klevenhusen, F., Duval, S., Zeitz, J.O., Kreuzer, M., 2011. Diallyl disulphide and lovastatin: effects on energy and protein utilisation in, as well as methane emission from, sheep. Archives of Animal Nutrition 65, 255–266.
Klevenhusen, F., Zeitz, J.O., Duval, S., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C.R., 2011. Garlic oil and its principal component diallyl disulfide fail to mitigate methane, but improve digestibility in sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology 166-67, 356–363.
Klevenhusen, F., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C.R., 2011. Enteric and manure-derived methane and nitrogen emissions as well as metabolic energy losses in cows fed balanced diets based on maize, barley or grass hay. Animal 5, 450–461.
Klevenhusen, F., Meile, L., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C.R., 2011. Effects of monolaurin on ruminal methanogens and selected bacterial species from cattle, as determined with the rumen simulation technique. Anaerobe 17, 232–238.


Khiaosa-ard, R., Klevenhusen, F., Soliva, C.R., Kreuzer, M., 2010. Transfer of linoleic and linolenic acid from feed to milk in cows fed isoenergetic diets differing in proportion and origin of concentrates and roughages. Journal of Dairy Research 77, 331–336.
Klevenhusen, F., Bernasconi, S.M., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C.R., 2010. Experimental validation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change default values for ruminant-derived methane and its carbon-isotope signature. Animal Production Science 50, 159–167.


Klevenhusen, F., Bernasconi, S.M., Hofstetter, T., Bolotin, J., Kunz, C., Soliva, C.R., 2009. Efficiency of monolaurin in mitigating ruminal methanogenesis and modifying C-isotope fractionation when incubating diets composed of either C-3 or C-4 plants in a rumen simulation technique (Rusitec) system. British Journal of Nutrition 102, 1308–1317.


Klevenhusen, F., Bernasconi, S.M., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C.R., 2008. The methanogenic potential and C-isotope fractionation of different diet types represented by either C-3 or C-4 plants as evaluated in vitro and in dairy cows. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48, 119–123.