
NINTE knowledge transfer: Sustainability Management teaching and training in Ghana

Since 2021, our colleague Dr. Evans Kissi, has trained farmers, taught students and exchanged with scholars on various topics around sustainability management.

Since 2021 Dr. Kissi has trained and sensitized smallholder organic cocoa and food crop farmers on different topics of sustainability management, e.g. on child labour and gender inequality issues, on value addition and diversification strategies, on agrochemical usage and management, and its implication for organic cocoa production, on climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. This was possible through his voluntary engagement through the GIZ`s Diaspora2030 program. The trainings were conducted in collaboration with cooperatives, organic export companies, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Chamber of Agribusiness in Ghana.

In 2024, the Erasmus+ Staff mobility for teaching and training allowed for two research and teaching stays at the School for Development Studies at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Evans taught on Global Value Chain Upgrading Strategies, Scientific Working and Publishing. He presented his own research to faculty members and engaged in exchange on future collaboration opportinuties.