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2021 | October | Sand Lime Brick Innovation Forum

Innovation Forum 2021 "Roadmap greenhouse gas neutral sand-lime brick industry 2045".

Image: Sand-lime brick service GmbH
Professor Bernhard Middendorf at the Sand Lime Brick Innovation Forum

As part of the Innovation Forum of the Bundesverband Kalksandsteinindustrie e. V. (Federal Association of the Sand Lime Brick Industry) on 13.10.2021 in Hanover, Prof. Bernhard Middendorf gave a presentation on the recarbonation of sand lime bricks. In his lecture, he explained his research results on the recarbonation of sand-lime bricks and highlighted that with complete carbonation, up to 55 kg ofCO2 can be absorbed per ton of sand-lime brick to be produced. Furthermore, he showed possibilities for optimizing theCO2 balance in sand-lime brick production. For example, by using alternative binders or by directly recycling theCO2 during the autoclaving process.