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2023 | June | Attendance at the ICCSTE 2023 Conference at Carleton University

Cristin Umbach attended ICCSTE 2023 meeting at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada

Parliament Hill, Ottawa

Cristin Umbach was at the ICCSTE 2023 conference in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, from 04 - 06.06.2023. Together with her project partner Moritz Middendorf from TU Darmstadt, she presented current results from the ZIM-AIF research project "µ-CT investigations to determine the position of bitumen emulsion in asphalt composite samples". This project is concerned with improving the layer bond in the rehabilitation of asphalt roads through optimized bitumen emulsions.

Group photo of the participants present

The discussions with expert colleagues from all over the world led to new ideas and ways of thinking as well as to an understanding of which problems exist in the field of infrastructure worldwide. It became clear that sustainable construction and ensuring a durable and efficient infrastructure in the face of increasing traffic volumes are important topics that came up in almost all contributions.