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09/09/2024 | Institute for Structural Engineering (IKI)

2024 | September | Team seminar on building materials, Darmstadt

Visit to the Messel Pit and the Mathildenhöhe

The Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry and the AMPA took a trip to the Messel Pit near Darmstadt on September 9-10, 2014 as part of a team seminar. The group had the opportunity to explore one of the most important fossil deposits in the world, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site for years. During a detailed guided tour, the participants learned how fossils from the Eocene period - around 47 million years ago - were discovered in the pit. The variety of well-preserved fossils of animals and plants was particularly impressive, offering a fascinating insight into life millions of years ago.

The following day, another guided tour was on the agenda, this time of the Mathildenhöhe World Cultural Heritage Site in Darmstadt. The group visited the impressive Art Nouveau buildings and the famous Wedding Tower. As a former artists' colony, the Mathildenhöhe is considered a center of Art Nouveau and impressed the participants above all with its extraordinary architecture and the artistic design of the buildings. The team seminar provided employees with valuable cultural and scientific insights and strengthened team spirit.