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Lecture and poster at the research colloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis

Within the framework of the "Research Colloquium of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Baustatik-Baupraxis e.V.", the Department of Structural Engineering presents its current research results in the field of LogFE. The research colloquium, which is organized this year by the TU Berlin, will take place in Dölnsee/Schorfheide (Germany) from 15-18 September 2015. The title of the talk is "Approach functions on logarithmic space: the Log-FE method". In addition, Mr. M.Sc. Jonas Marczona presented his research results in a poster session. Related Publication: Schröppel C, Wackerfuß J. 2015. "Approach functions on logarithmic space: the Log-FE method", Research Colloquium Baustatik-Baupraxis, Dölnsee/Schorfheide, Germany, (Abstract).