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Presentation at international symposium in Reykjavik (Iceland)

In the context of the international symposium "International Conference On Computational Science (ICCS 2015)" in Reykjavik (01.-03.06.2015) Mr. Michael Burger presents recent research results in the field of efficient numerical methods for the description of hierarchically structured, graphene-based nanostructures. The results were obtained in the framework of a research cooperation between the Department of Structural Engineering and the Department of Scientific Computing (TU Darmstadt). The title of the presentation is 'A Unified and Memory Efficient Framework for Simulating Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes'. Related Publication: Burger, M, Bischoff, C, Schröppel, C & Wackerfuß, J. 2015, 'A Unified and Memory Efficient Framework for Simulating Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes', Procedia Computer Science, Volume 51, ICCS 2015 International Conference On Computational Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 413-422, (10 pages).