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07/08/2024 | FB14 | Research

2024 | July | Lecture at the ICTMS in South Africa

Dr.-Ing. Cristin Umbach attended ICTMS 2024 conference in Cape Town, South Africa

Dr.-Ing. Cristin Umbach actively participated in the International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS) 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa from 01 - 05.07.2024. At this specialist conference for computed tomography with around 200 participants from all over the world, she presented the current results from the DFG project SPP 2255 "Aged High Modernity in Architecture and Heritage Conservation - Analysis of Construction and Material, Development of Conservation Strategies and Repair Materials for Reinforced Concrete Structures under Engineering and Heritage Conservation Aspects". The lecture by Dr.-Ing. Umbach dealt with the microstructural characterization of the bond zone of repair concrete to broken old concrete surfaces using high-resolution computer tomography.

The discussions with colleagues from all over the world led to new approaches and an understanding of current technical issues in the field of computed tomography. It became clear that faster and more precise 3D material analyses are becoming increasingly important in all areas of materials science. Many scientific questions can be answered precisely and soundly using these 3D methods, with current developments also moving in the direction of AI-controlled segmentation and evaluation.