IKI: A-Z people

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Name, ForenameContact
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clobes, Mathias
Professor Steel Structures
Clobes, Mathias
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fehling, Ekkehard
Head of department for solid construction
Fehling, Ekkehard
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Middendorf, Bernhard
Vice Dean | Head of the Department of Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry
Middendorf, Bernhard
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reul, Oliver
Head of De­part­ment of Geo­tech­ni­cal En­gi­nee­ring
Reul, Oliver
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Seim, Werner
Section Head for the Department of Building Rehabilitation and Timber Engineering
Seim, Werner
Name, ForenameContact
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Secretary of Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Buhlinger-Aichert, Antje
Jung, Alexandra
Secretariat for Construction Materials and Construction Chemistry
Jung, Alexandra
Kirchner, Birgit
Sekretariat Werkstoffe des Bauwesens und Bauchemie
Office Assistant for the Department of Building Rehabilitation and Timber Engineering
Kirchner, Birgit
Müller, Ute
Solid construction secretariat
Müller, Ute
Schröder, Franziska
Secretariat steel construction
Image: Charles Talompa
Schröder, Franziska
Research assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Ayicheh, Yimer Degu (M.Sc.)
PhD student
Ayicheh, Yimer Degu
Capewell, Paul (M.Sc.)
Research assistant
Capewell, Paul
Dr. Chen, Libo
Research assistant
Chen, Libo
Corazza, Juan Ignacio (M.Sc.)
Research assistant
Corazza, Juan Ignacio
Ho, Ai Phien (M. Sc.)
Research Assistant
Ho, Ai Phien
Kawoosa, Saamid (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Kawoosa, Saamid
Kosenko, Denis (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Kosenko, Denis
Laabs, Marcel (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Laabs, Marcel
Latifi, Mujeebulrahman (M.Sc.)
Scientific employee
Latifi, Mujeebulrahman
Link, Janna (M.Sc.)
Research assistant
Link, Janna
Niemeyer, Sarah (M. Sc.)
Research Assistant
Niemeyer, Sarah
Dr.-Ing. Salah-Uddin, K. M.
Scientific employee
Salah-Uddin, K. M.
M. Eng. Talompa, Charles
Research associates
Talompa, Charles
Dr.-Ing. Thiemicke, Jenny
Akademische Rätin
Scientific Head of the Central Testing Laboratory
Thiemicke, Jenny
Umbach, Christian (M. Sc.)
Research Assistant
Umbach, Christian
Dr.-Ing. Umbach, Cristin
Research assistant
Umbach, Cristin
Völlmecke, Lars (M. Sc.)
Research Assistant
Völlmecke, Lars
Dr. phil. nat. Wetzel, Alexander
Senior Academic Councillor
Wetzel, Alexander
Part-time lecturer
Name, ForenameContact
Dr.-Ing. Eisenhut, Lars
Eisenhut, Lars
Dr.-Ing. Frohnmüller, Jens
Frohnmüller, Jens
Hardt, Thomas (Dipl.Ing.)
Asscoiate Lecturer for Environmental Engineering at the University of Kassel
Hardt, Thomas
Dipl.-Ing. Hügin, Lothar
Hügin, Lothar
Dr.-Ing. Hummel, Johannes
Hummel, Johannes
Dr.-Ing. Koch, Heiko
Koch, Heiko
Dr.-Ing. Schilde, Karsten
Schilde, Karsten
Dr.-Ing. Schwendner, Sascha
Schwendner, Sascha
Dr.-Ing Wawrzyniak, Christian
Asscoiate Lecturer for Tunnelling at the University of Kassel
Wawrzyniak, Christian
Administrative technical team member
Name, ForenameContact
Bauch, Timo
Building material tester
Bauch, Timo
Dumat, Ulrike
Physical-technical assistant
Dumat, Ulrike
Eigler, Sascha (B.Sc., IWE)
Deputy Head of the Central Testing Laboratory
Eigler, Sascha
Fremder, Magdalena (B.Sc.)
Fremder, Magdalena
Funke, Annalena-Elisabeth (B. Sc.)
Technical Employee
Funke, Annalena-Elisabeth
Gehrke, Matthias
Chemical-technical assistant
Gehrke, Matthias
Griesel, Dirk (Dipl.-Ing.)
Laboratory Engineer
Griesel, Dirk
Hübenthal, Dominik
Building material tester
Hübenthal, Dominik
Kattenbach, Daniel (B. Sc.)
Technical Employee
Kattenbach, Daniel
Krieger, Sebastian
Technical employee
Krieger, Sebastian
Materi, Daniel
Building material tester
Materi, Daniel
Osterbart, Guido
Technical Employee
Osterbart, Guido
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Building materials tester
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Dipl.-Ing. Richter, Markus
Laboratory engineer
Richter, Markus
Röse, Henriette (B. Sc.)
Technical Employee
Röse, Henriette
Trost, Klaus
Workshop foreman
Trost, Klaus
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich, Horst
Laboratory Head
Ulrich, Horst
Winkelmann, Jens
Head Technician of the Central Testing Laboratory
Winkelmann, Jens
Name, ForenameContact
Senatore, Marco
Trainee building materials tester
Senatore, Marco
Project leader
Name, ForenameContact
Dr.-Ing. Koch, Viola
Technical management AMPA
Koch, Viola
Project team member
Name, ForenameContact
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Building materials tester
Reim, Anna-Katharina
Student assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Alles, Marco
Student assistant
Alles, Marco
Halbach, Halina Sophie
Student assistant
Halbach, Halina Sophie
Mejsyk, Paul
Student assistant
Mejsyk, Paul
Pfudel, Hannes
Student assistant
Pfudel, Hannes
Rohland, Jonas
Student assistant
Rohland, Jonas
Former …
Name, ForenameContact
Secretary (until February 2020)
Berndt, Elvira
Secretary (until May 2023)
Böhmer, Bianca
Deiß, Burkhard
Building materials tester (until July 2018)
Deiß, Burkhard
Dr.-Ing. Hahn, Thomas
Scientific Head of Central Testing Laboratory 1994-2024
Hahn, Thomas
Former Heads of Institute Kempfert, Hans-Georg
Former head of department from 1996 to 2010
Kempfert, Hans-Georg
Dipl.-Ing. Machner, Peter
Technical Management Ampa (until 31.03.2017)
Machner, Peter
Former Heads of Institute Pürschel, W.
Former head of department from 1971 to 1980
Pürschel, W.
Dr.-Ing. Römer, Wolfgang
Assistant Head of Central Testing Laboratory 2011-2023
Römer, Wolfgang
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Schmidt, Michael
Former head of department (until 30.09.2012)
Schmidt, Michael
Former Heads of Institute Sommer, Heinrich
Former head of department from 1980 to 1993
Sommer, Heinrich