Life cycle of traffic route pavements

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Module descriptions
Module title Sustainable Transport Infrastructure
Submodule Life cycle of traffic route pavements
Semester 9th, winter semester
Module coordinator(s) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sommer
Lecturer(s) Dr.-Ing. Mollenhauer
Teaching form 2 SWS unlimited number of participants
Credits 3 credits
Prerequisites according to examination regulations
Recommended prerequisites
Intended learning outcomes Dhrough this course, students are sensitized to the topic of "Sustainability in planning of construction". After completing this module, students should have knowledge of different strategies and measures for sustainable transport and urban planning and be able to apply criteria and indicators of sustainable planning. By illustrating the relationships between planning, construction, operation, maintenance and dismantling/recycling using the example of traffic route pavements, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the effects of engineering decisions on the life cycle, service life, economic efficiency and environmental balance of transport infrastructure structures.

Life cycle of road pavements.

- Decision criteria for planning (choice of route), construction (construction material and pavement design), operation (road cleaning, winter road maintenance), maintenance and recycling of road pavements. 

- Environmental concerns in road construction.

- Principle of life cycle cost analysis in road construction.

Risk analyses.

Study and examination achievementsSeminar presentation on one aspect of the lecture (40 %) and oral examination (duration 15 min) (60 %)


Life cycle of traffic route pavements

Dr.-Ing. Konrad Mollenhauer

Module Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure

2 SWS, 3 credits, winter semester

Intended learning outcomes 

This course sensitizes students to the topic of "sustainability in construction planning". After completing this module, students should have knowledge of different strategies and measures for sustainable transport and urban planning and be able to apply criteria and indicators of sustainable planning. By illustrating the relationships between planning, construction, operation, maintenance and dismantling/recycling using the example of traffic route pavements, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the effects of engineering decisions on the life cycle, service life, economic efficiency and environmental balance of transport infrastructure structures.


  • Decision criteria for planning (choice of route), construction (construction material and pavement design), operation (road cleaning, winter road maintenance), maintenance and recycling of road pavements. 
  • Environmental concerns in road construction.
  • Principle of life cycle cost analysis in road construction.
  • Risk analyses.

Study and examination achievements

  • Seminar presentation on one aspect of the lecture (40 %)
  • Oral examination (duration 15 min) (60 %)