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30.10.2014 Günzburger Zeitung
"A train will come - but when?Traffic The Deutsche Bundesbahn has shut down dozens of rail lines. Grass has been growing over them for decades. The lines are now being successfully reactivated in many federal states. Only in Bavaria it's taking a little longer"
08.07.2014 Mittelbayerische Zeitung
"Public transport 'in the countryside' is a problem"
6-2014 Nahverkehrs-praxis
"Management School of the University of Kassel: Qualification of public transport managers from all over Germany"
03.06.2014 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
"State provides 30 years of rent Think tank "House of Mobility and Logistics" (Holm) opens new 52-million-euro building in Frankfurt"
13.04.2014 ARD Mediathek Ratgeber: Auto - Reise - Verkehr
"Wenn Privatleute Bus fahren" (article on Mobilfalt)
03.2014 www.pasch-net.de (The website www.pasch-net.de of the initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future" is published by the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service, the Goethe-Institut, the Educational Exchange Service of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder and the Central Agency for Schools Abroad).
"Local public transport - environmentally friendly and flexible?" Electromobility in local public transport Cooperation with sharing offers Trend towards multimodality and digitalization
20.01.2014 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
"What does traffic cost? Kassel researchers want to break down urban spending by mode of transport"
01.2014 audimax
"Sharing resources" Linking is the keyword when it comes to the future of transportation: the different systems are growing together