Series of publications "Transport

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The following issues have been published to date in the Institute's Transport series (until 2002 of the department):



Issue 1
Köhler, Uwe:
Verkehrsplanung im Widerstreit der Meinungen, 1989

(out of print)

Issue 2
1st Kassel Local Transport Days:
Public transport between the city and the surrounding area, 1990

With contributions by Dubrowsky, Dieter / Fiedler, Joachim / Kirchhoff, Peter / Köhler, Uwe / Müller-Eberstein, Frank / Stark, Johannes / Thöne, Helmut

Book 6,00

Issue 3
2nd Kassel Local Transport Days:
Links between long-distance and local transport, 1992

With contributions by Brändli, Heinrich / Drechsler, Georg / Grevsmähl, Hohannes / Kirchhoff, Hans-Heinz / Köhler, Uwe / Plank-Wiedenbeck, Uwe / Retzko, Hans-Georg / Rüger, Siegfried / Siegloch, Werner

Book 6,00

Issue 4
Arndt, Karin:
Development of a procedure for estimating potential P+R demand in commuter traffic, 1993

Book 9,00

Issue 5
3rd Kasseler Nahverkehrstage:
Is public transport reaching its limits?, 1994

With contributions by Driese, Jürgen / Fleischer, Axel / Klein, Angelika / Ruske, Wilfried / Sparmann, Volker / Wewers, Bernhard / Zemlin, Hermann / Zumkeller, Dirk

Book 9,00

Issue 6
4th Kasseler Nahverkehrstage:
Contributions to urban and regional transport, 1996

With contributions by Butz, Maria / Klotz, Günter / Köhler, Uwe / Meyfahrt, Rainer / Rosenberg, Reiner / Schneider, Rainer / Strauß, Susanne / Topp, Hartmut H. / Wentz, Martin / Wermuth, Manfred / Zumkeller, Dirk

Book 12,00

Issue 7
Strauß, Susanne:
City-Logistik - Ein Instrument zur Verringerung des städtischen Güterverkehrs, 1997

(out of print)

Issue 8
Klein, Angelika:
Die ÖPNV Grundgebühr - Ein Instrument zur zukunftsorientierten Gestaltung und Finanzierung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs, 1998

Book 12,00

Issue 9
5th Kassel Local Transport Days:
Local transport plans - an initial assessment, 1998

With contributions by Andree, Rolf / Holzapfel, Helmut / Köhler, Uwe / Körntgen, Silvia / Lampmann, Volker / Wiemann, Rolf

Book 12,00

Issue 10
6th Kasseler Nahverkehrstage:
10 years of the Department of Transport Systems and Transport Planning, 2000

With contributions by Holzapfel, Helmut / Klein, Angelika / Köhler, Uwe / Siepenkothen, Andreas / Sommer, Christoph / Strauß, Susanne / Wichmann, Simone / Will, Wolfgang / Zöllner, Ralf

Book 15,00

Issue 11
Klotz, Günther:
Bahnbau und Bürgerbeteiligung - Eine Untersuchung über die Beteiligung der Bürger bei der Planung von Bahnanlagen am Beispiel der Neubaustrecke der deutschen Bundesbahn im Raum Kassel, 2002

Book 15,00

Issue 12
7th Kasseler Nahverkehrstage:

Competition in public transportation, 2002

With contributions by Barth, Sybille / Dippel, Wolfgang / Homburg, Ulrich / Kahlenborn, Angelika / Koch, Johannes-Christian / Köhler, Uwe / Metz, Rainer / Posch, Dieter / Werner, Jan / Will, Wolfgang / Zieschank, Reiner

Book 15,00

Issue 13
Zöllner, Ralf:
Application areas of regional railroads, 2002

Book 15,00

Issue 14
Listl, Gerhard:
Application of new technologies to record traffic flow, 2003

Book 22,00
PDF 10,00

Issue 15
Ober-Sundermeier, Anja:
Development of a method for congestion forecasting at bottlenecks on highways with special consideration of work sites, 2003

Book 18,00
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Issue 16
Winter, Olaf Markus:
Analysis and evaluation of local transport plans and the establishment of criteria for the evaluation of standards in public transport, 2005

Book 18,00
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Issue 17
Institut für Verkehrswesen (ed.):
From the beginnings to the present - traffic engineering at the University of Kassel, colloquium on the occasion of the farewell of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Zackor on July 14, 2005

With contributions by Balz, Werner / Hoyer, Robert / Keller, Hartmut / Klijnhout, Ir. Job / Kobbeloer, Detlef / Listl, Gerhard / Sparmann, Jürg / Zackor, Heinz

Book 18,00

Issue 18
Kobbeloer, Detlef:
Decentralized control of traffic signal systems in urban traffic networks, 2007

Book 29,00
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Issue 19
Bertocchi, Timo:
Areas of application for public transport control systems in rural areas, 2009

Book 18,00
PDF 10,00

Issue 20
Herzog, Torsten:
Strategies and potentials for reducing consumption during traffic jams, 2011

Book 29.00
PDF 15.00

Issue 21
Otto, Thomas:
Cooperative traffic management and traffic control at signalized intersections, 2011

Book 18.00
PDF 9.00

Issue 22
Leitzke, Christian:
Travel time determination in motorized private transport using wireless communication technologies, 2011

Book 29,00
PDF 10,00

Issue 23
Carsten Kühnel:

Traffic data acquisition using a floating car observer on two-lane country roads, 2011

Book 29,00
PDF 15,00

Issue 24
Institute of Transportation (ed.):

Local Transport Days 2013 - New concepts for urban and rural areas

With contributions by Bestmann, Dirk / Fiedler, Lothar H. / Jahn, Valentin / Lometsch, Martin / Loose, Willi / Mucha, Elena / Röhrleef, Martin / Schmitt, Volker / Schulte, Reinhard / Sommer, Carsten

Book 24.00
PDF 12.00

Issue 25
Institute of Transport (ed.):

Nahverkehrs-Tage 2015 - Nahverkehr und Freizeit: Neue Kunden durch innovative Konzepte gewinnen - 2nd revised edition June 2016

With contributions by Bieland, Dominik / Glass, Tobias / Illichmann, Susanne / Kahrs, Clemens / Kloth, Holger / Kniewel, Romy / Krummheuer, Florian / Nobis, Claudia / Pellmann-Janssen, Markus / Rabe, Matthias / Radziwill, Manuel / Sauer, Martin / Schmidt, Ludger / Schweifer, Franz J. / Wendt, Michael / Witte, Claudia

Book 24.00
PDF 12.00
Issue 26
Rudolph, Felix:
Quality analysis of coordinated traffic signal control systems using cooperatively obtained measured variables 2017
Book 34,00
PDF 17,00
Issue 27
Weisheit, Toni:
A method for predicting traffic-dependent switching times of traffic signal systems 2017
Book 34,00
PDF 17,00
Issue 28
Institute of Transportation (ed.):
Public Transport Days 2017: Digital und Disruptiv - Neue Daten und Methoden für einen kundengerechten ÖPNV
With contributions by Aberle, Christoph / Ackermann, Till / Ehmke, Jan Fabian / Haiawi, Tarek / Hitscherich, Karin / Krummheuer, Florian / Leonhäuser, Daniel / Nöth, Frederik / Pfannenschmidt, Marten / Pühringer, Florian / Pullig, Alexander / Schmidt, Andreas / Schreier, Frank / Sommer, Carsten / Weber, Norbert / Wirtz, Matthias
Book 29.00
PDF 22.00
Issue 29
Knese, Dennis:
Integration of electromobility in urban planning and street design - solution approaches for strategies, concepts and measures, 2019
Book 39.00
PDF 29.25
Issue 30
Institute of Transportation (ed.):
Nahverkehrs-Tage 2019: Finanzierung des öffentlichen Verkehrs: zwischen leistungsorientierten E-Tarifen, preisgünstigen Flats und Drittnutzerfinanzierung

With contributions by Almeder, Alfred / Bartnik, Dorothea / Bien, Walter / Blum, Elias / Czech, Thomas / Geis, Jürgen / Hanke, Stefanie / Leonhäuser, Daniel / Mietzsch, Oliver / Mocanu, Tudor / Peter, Marcus / Probst, Gerhard / Rausch, Wolfgang / Sommer, Carsten / Stoycheva, Andreana

Book 29.00
PDF 21.75

Issue 31
Schmitt, Volker:
Carpooling systems integrated into public transport in rural areas - impact analysis and evaluation, 2020

Book 34,00

Issue 32
Weidemann, Tanja:
Process data analysis of traffic-dependent traffic signal controls for modeling substitute controls for 2-phase systems, 2020

Book 39,00

Issue 33
Saighani, Assadollah:
Evaluation methods for an economic comparison of urban transportation systems, 2020
Book 39,00

Issue 34
Lambrecht, Franz:
Development of a road safety program for cyclists between the ages of 11 and 14 with a focus on metacognitive skills
Book 39,00
Issue 35
Dominik Bieland
Derivation of source-destination matrices in public transport based on WLAN and Bluetooth data
Book 39,00
Issue 36
Institute of Transport (ed.):
Nahverkehrs-Tage 2023: Verkehrswende und ÖPNV: How do we get everyone on board before the train has left the station?
With contributions from Ackermann, Till / Bamberg, Sebastian / Blees, Volker / Böhme, Uwe / Briegel, Ramon / Cerulli-Harms, Annette / Deffner, Jutta / Dross, Miriam / Ebert, Thorsten / Fischer, Alena / Henkel, Franziska / Herget, Melanie / Höing, Niklas / Kiso, Claudia / Klosterkamp, Marie / Lang, Vincent / Louen, Conny / Milbradt, Jori / Papendieck, Paul / Rauber, Julius / Rollin, Philipp / Ruhrort, Lisa / Sommer, Carsten / Sunderer, Georg
Book 34,00


Issues 1-13,16 and 19 can be ordered from the Department of Transport Planning and Transport Systems
University of Kassel
34109 Kassel
Fax no. +49 561 804-7382
E-mail: Katja Hager

Issues 14 to 34 can be ordered from
kassel university press GmbH, 34109 Kassel
Schriftenreihe Verkehr


The series will of course be continued.