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14.12.2020 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Masks and ventilation reduce risk Interview with Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer about public transport in times of pandemic

02.12.2020 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Subscription tariff for rail and parking
Climate Protection Council wants to make public transport more attractive with discounts

Single journeys soon for two euros?
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - on the proposed flex fare for public transport and parking

01.12.2020 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
"There will be more people affected" Interview with Dr. Melanie Herget on barrier-free mobility in rural areas

18.11.2020 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
Even more e-scooters launched today - complaint about crowded routes

10.2020 zukunftslinie.de
What does traffic cost?
Interview with Prof. Dr. Carsten Sommer

05.10.2020 HNA (Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine)
"We have to get away from the car" MOBILITY Professor Carsten Sommer in a Monday interview

22.09.2020 Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
Car traffic costs the city forty times more than cycling
Heidelberg spends 240 euros per inhabitant per year on car traffic - only six euros on cycling and 171 euros on public transport

29.06.2020 Leipziger Volkszeitung city edition
365-euro ticket: divided response to expert opinion

27.06.2020 Leipziger Internetzeitung
LVZ sings the next farewell song for the Leipzig 365-euro ticket

27.06.2020 Osterländer Volkszeitung
High costs and little effect- expert opinion puts the brakes on the 365-euro ticket
The introduction of the ticket in Leipzig from 2021 was intended to catapult public transport into a new dimension. Scientists at the University of Kassel recommend the city take a different approach.

26.06.2020 City of Leipzig
Introduction of the 365-euro ticket remains Mayor Burkhard Jung's goal

26.06.2020 mdr Fernsehen
Despite negative expert opinion: Mayor Jung sticks to plans for 365-euro ticket in Leipzig

26.06.2020 Leipziger Volkszeitung
Expert opinion on the 365-euro ticket elicits a mixed response in Leipzig

26.06.2020 Bild Leipzig
New study - 365-euro ticket unsuitable for Leipzig!

26.06.2020 Leipziger Volkszeitung
High costs and low effects - report puts the brakes on the 365-euro ticket

24.02.2020 Westfalenpost
"Free buses are not the solution"
Local authorities want to encourage car drivers to switch to free local transport. Transport planners: "Expanding public transport services is more important than the fare"
"Car transport must become more expensive" How can people be persuaded to switch from cars to buses and trains? Municipalities test free tickets, transport researchers call for expansion of local transport services

15.02.2020 Extra Tip
Researching cycling
University of Kassel advertises bicycle professorship

13.02.2020 Göttinger Tageblatt
A professorship for the bicycle
University of Kassel receives funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport Professorship to research local mobility in general Establishment of a new degree program

29.01.2020 Augsburger Allgemeine
Interview Local public transport in rural areas: Better services do more than just lower prices Carsten Sommer is a professor of transport planning. He talks about local public transport - in the countryside and in the city. And about bus and train fares.

22.01.2020 University of Kassel press release
Bicycles and transport: professorship in Kassel advances sustainable mobility