Topics for theses / bachelor

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Road users are exposed to various stressors, which can also have a negative impact on individual health in the long term. Exceptionally high traffic demand, for example, can lead to conflicts or time losses in all traffic systems and cause stress. As part of the work, a concept for the use of a "stress sensor" available on the market is to be developed in order to test its suitability for measurements in the field (preliminary study). The sensor can be provided for one month and is to be used in various situations. The aim is to achieve a comprehensive picture of the possible measurement results through a high variability of possible stressors, but also other possible influencing factors, such as physical activity. Depending on the time constraints, the work can also include the one-month field test and the corresponding evaluation or deal exclusively with the creation of the concept. The aim of the field test is to make statements about the possible use of the sensor technology for stress measurements with test persons in public transport and possibly in other transport systems.

In cooperation with the VDV, key decision-makers in the public transport sector are to be interviewed about their choice of transport. The focus is on their everyday lives, their strategies and how they deal with cognitive dissonance.

On the basis of a comprehensibly justified selection of prime-time television programs (such as Tatort etc.), the aim is to examine how the choice of means of transport of the respective protagonists is staged, which characteristics of the means of transport are portrayed and how, and what conclusions can be drawn from this for social narratives.

The large commercial car-sharing providers continue to concentrate on the big cities. Nevertheless, cars are also lent to each other and shared in rural areas. However, these lending processes are not recognizable as such by outsiders and have hardly been researched scientifically. In the context of this work, the example of a rural community will be used to investigate how often, due to which circumstances, according to which decision criteria and for which purposes private cars are currently informally lent between households.

For this purpose a questionnaire is to be developed on the basis of a literature research, which determines the everyday practices and attitudes to informal car sharing with differently familiar groups of persons. With this questionnaire a pretest is to be carried out and evaluated with simple statistical procedures. On the basis of the response behavior, the suitability of the questionnaire for the research objective is to be reflected, including concrete suggestions for changes. The questionnaire can be filled out by the target group in presence or online.

Similar to car sharing, the large commercial ridesharing providers also concentrate on the big cities. Nevertheless, even in rural areas, people are given rides in their private cars or something is brought to them on demand. However, these ridesharing and bring-along practices are not recognizable as such by outsiders and have hardly been researched scientifically. In the context of this work it is to be examined on the example of a rural municipality, how often, due to which circumstances, after which decision criteria and for which purposes at present informally private people take others or bring them certain goods.

For this, a questionnaire is to be developed on the basis of a literature research, which determines the everyday practices and attitudes to the informal taking along and bringing along with differently familiar groups of persons. A pretest is to be conducted with this questionnaire and evaluated with simple statistical methods. On the basis of the response behavior, the suitability of the questionnaire for the research objective is to be reflected, including concrete suggestions for changes. The questionnaire can be filled out by the target group in presence or online.

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