Publications at the department
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Otto, T.:
Cooperative traffic control and traffic management at signalized intersections
Dissertation, Department of Traffic Engineering and Transportation Logistics, University of Kassel, 2011.
Otto, T.; Hoyer, R.:
Probe Vehicle based Estimation of Parameters for Adapting Traffic Signal Control at single Intersections.
17th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems - Busan, Republic of Korea, October 25-29, 2010, Proceedings.
Otto, T.; Hoyer, R.:
Operating Conditions of on-board displayed dynamic Green Wave Speeds via V2I-Communication.
5th International Symposium Networks an Mobility - Stuttgart, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2010, Proceedings.
- Otto, T.:
Adapting Traffic Signal Control.
Traffic Technology International, August/September 2010, UKIP Media Events, Dorking UK, ITS-Preview, p. 66.
- Hoyer, R.; Leitzke, C.; Otto, T.:
Hybrid Development and Test Environment for Distributed Vehicle Infrastructure Applications using the Example of Cooperative Traffic Signal Systems.
11th Braunschweig Symposium AAET 2010 Braunschweig, February 10-11, 2010, Proceedings, pp. 436-444.
Otto, T.; Leitzke, C.; Hoyer, R.:
Entwicklung kooperativer Anwendungen unter Nutzung einer virtuellen Testumgebung.
19th PTV Anwenderseminar 2009, Karlsruhe, September 29-30, 2009.
Otto, T.; Hoyer, R.:
Geocoding Approach to V2I Communication assisted Traffic Lights using Nomadic Devices.
16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems - Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-25, 2009, Proceedings.
- Hoyer, R.; Kühnel, C.; Otto, T.; Leitzke, C.; Geipel, A.:
Technische Rahmenbedingungen für den Austausch von Online-Verkehrsdaten.
Final report on commission FE 89.216/2008/AP of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), Bergisch Gladbach, 2009.
- Otto, T.; Hoyer, R.:
Devices-in-the-Loop Approach - Traffic Simulation meets real Devices of distributed V2I Applications.
mobil.TUM 2009 - International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport. Munich, Germany, May 12-13, 2009, Proceedings.
- Otto, T.; Balluff, J.: Kooperative Lichtsignalanlage - Die Ampel spricht und hört zu. Presentation as part of the seminar on traffic engineering at the University of Kassel 2009/2010, Kassel, January 14, 2010.
- Otto, T.: Integration of cooperatively obtained measured variables in control algorithms of traffic signal systems. Presentation at the University Conference 2009, Villigst, September 27-29, 2009.