Joint project, externally funded
BioRestFuel - Energy-efficient use of secondary biogenic residual and waste materials for thermal utilization by stepwise processing and fuel design
Overall, the project aims to expand the fuel input spectrum of biomass cogeneration plants. For this purpose, suitable treatment strategies are developed and adapted for screenings from biowaste treatment and specific residue streams from grassland management under technical, ecological and economic aspects. The typical problem of slagging in connection with the thermal utilization of biogenic residues and waste materials is a major focus of the project. In particular, the ash melting behaviour of the different fuels and fuel mixtures is thoroughly investigated to enable the use of bio-residual fuels in a controlled and efficient way without causing increased plant damage. One major project outcome will be a practice guide and recommendations, including legal and technical aspects, to promote the use of biogenic residual and waste materials for co-incineration in biomass cogeneration plants.
Duration: 03/2021 - 08/2023
Funding agency: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Projektträger Jülich
Project management: Prof. Dr. David Laner / Viktoria Scheff M.A.