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Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Kffr. Dipl.-Ing. Marion Weissenberger-Eibl
Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe und
Lehrstuhl für Innovations- und TechnologieManagement, Kassel

Since April 2004, Professor Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl has held the Chair of Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Kassel. As part of a comprehensive understanding of management, this Chair sets out to identify and analyze strategic, organizational and methodological issues, to achieve advances in knowledge at the intersection of business administration, technology and society, and also to engage in the scientifically-based derivation of design recommendations and recommendations for action in industrial and service companies. These objectives are pursued especially through the Chair�s running and completed projects in the field of materials technology and materials engineering.

In addition to this, Professor Weissenberger-Eibl has been Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) in Karlsruhe since April 2007 and also Head of the Competence Center Innovation, Technology Management and Foresight there. The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research extends the scientifically/technically oriented specializations of the Fraunhofer Society to take in economic and social-policy aspects. Through its research and consultancy work in a national and international context, the Fraunhofer ISI wishes to draw attention at an early stage to the opportunities, risks and impediments that are associated with technical developments, to promote the necessary alignment processes and to contribute towards innovations. Decisions taken by government and by companies are to be improved by looking ahead and conducting analyses of promising technologies, by establishing research priorities and by scientifically supervising technology-policy promotion programs. Our core competence is our sophisticated set of methods. We offer our clients customized, ongoing process support in the field of foresight and technology management.

By linking in the scientific and methodological know-how of the co-applicant, integral opportunities are created for working on the present topic in the framework of the application for a Cluster of Excellence for the Universities of Kassel and Paderborn.

Forschungsportfolio, Methodenset und fokussierter Beitrag zum Exzellenzcluster

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