

01/30/2025 | Incher | Publikationen

German report ‘Academics in early career phases’ published

Today, the Report on Academics in an Early Career Phase (BuWiK) was handed over to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Dr Johannes König (INCHER) wrote an accompanying study to the BuWiK in a joint project with Dr Kolja Briedis (DZHW) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

The BuWiK (formerly BuWin) analyses reports on the situation of academics in Germany. It provides well-founded data and current research findings on academic qualifications and career paths and prospects in Germany once per legislative period.

The accompanying study by INCHER, DZHW and IAB entitled ‘Karriereentscheidungen und -verläufe Promovierter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Befristung’ (‘Career decisions and trajectories of doctoral graduates with special consideration of fixed-term contracts’) looks at career trajectories and the professional situation during and after the doctorate and provides numerous detailed findings, e.g. on the assumption of management positions, income and retention in the academic system. A special feature of the accompanying study is that it includes a comprehensive database with the DZHW graduate studies, the DZHW doctoral panel and the IAB-INCHER project on doctoral degrees obtained, which enables a comprehensive, cross-sectoral analysis of the career decisions and career paths of doctoral graduates before, during and after their doctorate in Germany.

To the (German) press release by DZHW und INCHER