Publikationen des INCHER-Kassel


Dr. Christiane Rittgerott
T. +49 561 8042440

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04/14/2021 | Publikationen

New! special issue on knowledge economy, innovation and the university

A special issue of the journal „Innovation“ analyzes new challenges arising from universities’ internal organisational dynamics and their roles as players in the knowledge economy. Volume 23, 2021 - Issue 2: The Knowledge Economy, Innovation and the New Challenges to Universities; Guest Editors: Anders Broström, Guido Buenstorf and Maureen McKelvey

„by becoming key players in the knowledge economy and responding to stakeholder expectations, universities also have taken on new missions in addition to teaching and research“ (Broström/Buenstorf/McKelvey)


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Special Issue "The Knowledge Economy, Innovation and the New Challenges to Universities" Innovation, Volume 23, 2021 - Issue 2. Guest Editors  Anders Broström (KTH), Guido Bünstorf (Univ Kassel), and Maureen McKelvey (Univ Gothenburg)