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Dr. Christiane Rittgerott
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01/24/2023 | Publikationen

New publication: Asanov, Igor; Mavlikeeva, Maria (2023): Can group identity explain the gender gap in the recruitment process? In: Industrial Relations Journal 54 (1), S. 95–113.

In their new paper, Igor Asanov and Maria Mavlikeeva show that on average, women are more likely than men to be invited for a job interview.

In a nutshell, we show that women are more likely to be invited for the interview than men and find evidence of in-group favouritism that can explain this pattern, given that most human resources staff are female.

The authors investigated the causal relationship between within-group gender preference and gender imbalance in the labour market. First, they looked at gender discrepancies in the selection phase of the hiring process using a meta-analysis. Then, using data from a large correspondence study of fictitious CVs sent in response to job advertisements, they examined recall rates. The meta-analysis of previous correspondence studies shows that women are more likely to be invited for an interview. Consistent with this finding, the authors were able to demonstrate in a correspondence experiment that female applicants receive preferential treatment at the recall stage. In the pooled sample for all occupations, women had a higher probability than men of being invited to an interview.

"Can group identity explain the gender gap in the recruitment process?"